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asked a question How do I help my dog have better dog-to-dog greetings?

I recently got my 7-month beagle-lab mix from a dog rescue. She is very sweet, especially with all the humans in the house. With other dogs, however, she is sometimes too sweet! When we go for walks she is SO excited when she sees another dog that she literally LAUNCHES herself off the ground. I would really like to socialize her with dogs more (her foster mom fostered more than one dog at once and said that my dog was good with other dogs) as I think this behavior is just a puppy really, really wanting to play.

I have met a few calm dogs that were very patient with her and let her run around excitedly, but not all dogs are this way. When an owner declines our approach (I make sure to hold her and ask them, informing them she is very jumpy) she whines, yips (not usually full on barking), and jumps because she wants to see the other dog. This has turned into more aggressive barking on one occasion. When I see another dog coming, I get her to sit and try to have her watch them. Sometimes this works, but sometimes it devolves into the whining and jumping, which has scared other dogs (and their owners). When that behavior begins it is very hard to get her to stop. I have walked away with her, usually in the opposite direction of the dog, but I am not sure if there is something else I could be doing better? I do not pick her up in these moments. I am working on getting her private obedience lessons to refine her basic skills, but would really appreciate some guidance in the meantime as I would hate to avoid other dogs when out walking with her. What advice would you have?