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answered a question Is it safe to do a spend the night meet and greet at the clients home?

No, and oh no no no.

Does Rover have a "flag" system in place to protect us from bad clients like this? Meet & Greets really should only be at most an hour. That is plenty of time to meet the dog, feel out the client and surroundings, be shown the dog's items (food, bed, treats), and exchange keys if you are visiting their home for dog care. The shorter the sweeter in my opinion.

Meeting a stranger from online, Use a check-in system for safety. There are tracking apps that monitor your smartphone location, but I prefer calling a friend and giving them the address I will be meeting the stranger at. They know that if I do not call them (no text) at by a certain time (usually 2hrs) then they need to notify authorities.

It may seem extreme, but these are strangers from the internet and some are weirdos!

Good luck and be safe!

answered a question What's the best way to start leash training my dog?

I avoid training a dog with treats because I will eventually run out of them or not have them handy. I reward a dog by rubbing under his/her chin and upper chest and saying "good dog" when they are behaving.

I've also found amazing success with a bungee cord style leash. Bungee Pupee (Google it!) has a good selection of durable styles or you can find bungee cord supplies in craft stores and try to DIY.

I still use the Bungee Pupee leash I got 3 years ago so I think they are durable. They also work really well with harnesses. I've successfully broken a few dogs from the habit of pulling on the leash with this training Good luck!

answered a question Limited Ingredient Food Recommendations?

Tractor Supply Co. has a few affordable store-brand options that are very similar to the pricy foods, and feed supply stores also carry Diamond Brand pet food. I currently give Diamond Brand Beef & Brown Rice to my two little dogs and they are doing very well. Good luck!

answered a question What are your favorite DOG PARKS or trails in Austin?? :)

There are plenty of dog parks in Austin, but Austin is also known for Parvo outbreaks. Talk to a local vet if you'd like another opinion, but I do not take client dogs to dog parks that the dog has not been to before. I always clear the park with the client human and make sure they are aware of the risk. No one wants to come home to a sick dog.

answered a question What to do when a dog won't sleep?

I keep extra towels and fleece blankets around for "swaddling" nervous dogs. Wrap the dog up or let them burrow into the cloth themselves. A chew treat that lasts a while helps too. The dog is in a new space with new people and things and acting like a dog. This is not uncommon when dog sitting. Part of the job is first day jitters (for the dog and you). There are also some useful videos on YouTube about calming dogs via massaging the ears, etc.

Good luck!