Linda D.'s profile

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commented answer Where does it show that a night of BOARDING is basically a 24 hour period?

I upped my prices (2020) which covers the “over 24 hours by just a couple hours”people. If an additional 6 hrs are added...

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answered a question I have a potential client who wants a trial one day boarding, for free?

Why is your time less than any other business owner’s time. Do not devalue yourself. A trial night or weekend is perfectly acceptable but for the established price. At the risk of sounding flippant, how do you think it would be received if you asked your Dr., Lawyer, Accountant, Grocery store owner ... I would like your services on the first day for free? 🤔 ...ummmmm, no, no, I don’t think so.

answered a question How long is an overnight stay?

At first I was very flexible with customers. Then I had one customer on three separate occasions who required that they drop the dog off at 6 AM on the first day and then required that they pick up their dog at 10:30 PM on the final day. By doing that, they actually got 16 hours of care for free. It caused me to adopt a new policy. During the meet and greet I inform clients that their fee is for a 24 hour period. If over the 24 hour period, then I modify the rate to two dollars per hour. It is usually less than the daycare fee but I feel that’s fair if they’re already paying for several overnight fees.

commented answer where do i find my perk points?

I have been sitting since March averaging 3 dogs a day and I’ve not had a single email showing me my perk points. 😕

commented question redeem summer sitter perks?

I got that email but absolutely no link to see what points I have added up. On 7/7/18. I have not received anything since. How do I see what I have?

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