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answered a question Why does my dog still stink after a bath?

dogs can get smelly after a bath if they are not dried good enough afterward i would try blow drying to see if that helps or use a deodorizing shampoo. dogs can also get skin infections that make dogs smell bad so i would ask your vet to have the skin looked at if home remedy work

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answered a question How often should I bathe my pug?

pugs are pretty low maintenance i would recommend every 4 weeks. bathing too much could cause dry skin or allergies.

commented answer How early can you bathe a puppy?

they make shampoo that is puppy safe

answered a question How early can you bathe a puppy?

yes! i would recommend to start and getting them used to being groomed as soon as possible. usually puppys dont need their first haircut until about 4-6 months old but its a good idea to get them bathed and brushed out every 4 weeks.

answered a question Can I use regular shampoo on my dog?

as a certified professional groomer i do not recommend using human shampoo on dogs it could dry out his skin or cause an allergic reaction. i only use products made for dogs and try to go the more natural route if possible.

answered a question Will Rover Ever Add Grooming as a stand alone service from qualified rover sitters?

That is a great idea! as a professional groomer myself i dont use the rover app for grooming i use a different app for scheduling clients called moego. but if they are clients that have a stay with me and want to add on grooming with the stay i usually modify the stay on my end with my grooming prices

answered a question How often should I groom my yorkie?

i would recommend giving a good bath every 3-4 weeks and haircuts every 4-6 weeks

answered a question How should I groom a pug?

pugs are pretty low maintenance all they need is a good bath, brush out with a zoom groom if shedding and a nail trim.

answered a question How should I groom a toy poodle?

i would recommend the kennel clip, teddy bear cut, or puppy cut they are the least amount of maintenance at home and the most common clips i do at my salon

answered a question How should I clip my poodle?

There are all different types of clips when grooming poodles too many to list but some of the most common haircuts i see most in my salon are the kennel clip , teddy bear and puppy cut. very rarely have i done a show dog grooming.

answered a question Do poodles shed?

no poodles dont shed, as a poodle owner and professional groomer i have never seen a poodle shed. poodles have hair that continues to grow unlike fur that grows up to a certain point and then falls out.

answered a question How often should I bathe my poodle?

bathing too often can dry out their skin and cause irritation i recommend to my grooming clients they bathe every 3-4 weeks unless otherwise told by your vet or they roll in something. you can use a dog safe cologne to keep them fresh between baths

answered a question How much should I tip my groomer?

You should too groomers like you do any other service industry.

commented answer How much should I tip my groomer?

Dog groomers don't expect tips it get them as much as you think. I'm lucky if I make $15 on the weekend doing 5-6 full groom dogs.

commented question What type of clipper do I need to clip my golden retriever?

I would use any type of 2 speed of higher clipper. I have an "andis agc 2 speed" for my salon. As for the comb attachment I would use no shorter then the 1/2 inch

commented question What extra do you charge for walking or bathing during daycare?

It depends on what you include with bathing. I would check your local groomers rates and go from there. I charge according to size and coat type and My basic bath inclides bath, brush out, nail trim and file, ears cleaning. I also give $5 off when they stay over a couple nights

commented question Do dogs need baths?

Yes I always tell my grooming clients dogs need to be bathed every 4-6 weeks at least. Depending on coat time they could go 8-10 weeks tops. Smooth coated dogs could get away with a good dry shampoo or whipes

commented answer Do dogs need baths?

Double coated dogs need to have the coat blown/deshed at least 4 times a year! With regular baths inbetween to keep shedding down

commented question What is the expected service for dog grooming?

It is up to you what you want and are comfortable doing. For just a bath I include Bath with conditioner,Bush out for 15-20 minutes, Nail trim and file , Ear cleaning And I charge according to size With dogs that stay over night I give them a $5 off discount

commented question Kennel License?

In kansas where I am at the city ordnance is I cant have more then 4 dogs and I cant watch the dogs for more then one week.

commented question Are the dog's vaccination records required?

Its always a good idea to check vet records. I like to have them snap a pic of the vet itemized receipt.

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