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answered a question How to keep your old dog happy when you get a new puppy.

I always make sure the Oldest maintains their status as the Leader of the that way, the older dog will contribute to the training of the new pup. So the oldest is always first in the house, first out of the house, first one i greet when i come in, first to get food, first to get treats, etc.

I always show deference to the oldest...and also very important that the possessions, treats, bones, toys , bedding are respected by the youngest addition. Teaching the pup, to respect the elder dog's status is KEY in them getting along in the future.... it is non- negotiable in my home.

answered a question How do you keep a puppy from chewing everything?

When you get a new pup, the most important tip is to contain the pup in a small space that is manageable...for both the pup and yourself to observe. Stopping a pup before it gets into trouble, and keeping them focused on positive chew choices, behaviors and play is most important!

I have always used apple bitter, on furniture legs, corners of walls, etc they seem to favor.

Be careful not to buy toys that look like items you do not want your pup to chew. For example, a toy shaped like a shoe, might not be a good choice. A rope chew toy is a great choice, because they can chew as well as chase the toy. I also discourage chewing of soft stuffed animal type toys... some pups get into the habit of shredding them and make a big mess and it is just a short step to chewing cushions, sofas, fabric, etc. you might not want your pup to damage.

Toy ownership is important. I segregate the pups toys from other dog's toys...and also from my own possessions. A small corner , low box where its toys are kept is also a good idea.

Puppies are a lot of work, but the more time you put in at the beginning fostering good habits, the easier it is in the long run as a dog owner. Beagles love to hunt and hide treats. I have a beagle client...and I have to constantly reinforce it is not okay to steal my dog's food and treats... good luck!