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asked a question Family doesn't respect limitations I set for puppy?

4 month old golden retriever pup. I have clear rules and limitations, but I feel that my family members don't respect them. I do not want to say things like "Never feed the dog," but this leniency backfires when someone unknowingly rewards a begging behavior or an invasion of space. I don't want to tell people "Don't ever horseplay with him," but again this backfires when the my sister gives him a belly rub, oblivious to the fact that he's nipping her skirt. Again, this applies to many things, such as jumping, nipping, hyperactive energy, or dominant behavior. I feel constant anxiety at these things, and my frustration is clear in the corrections I give people. I know this is counterproductive, that my agitated energy only frustrates my dog and my friends, but I am unsure how to proceed. Do I let the behaviors continue with trust in the knowledge that my dog will one day respect me enough to spread his limitations to those that associate with me? Or do I have to worry about the unintended attentions to my pup's naughtiness?

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asked a question Four month old golden retriever is acting up?

Got a golden pup from a great breeder. For a month I did intensive training and interaction. I thought my pup was doing very well. I went away for four days last week, and my mom took care of him. When I got home last night he was fine. Today, he's been acting up like crazy. He has bouts of frustrated energy where he barks, jumps, chews, and tears through the living room. He's never done this before. I play with him, walk him three times a day, and provide plenty of toys. I think it's the cat food. I keep him gated in the living room, but there been a few times he got past me and into the cat food in the kitchen. I hate him eating it, but he loves it and will whine for an hour and jump at the gate. Often he jumps at the gate, and it seems this is the cause if his anxiety; he wants the cat food but can't get to it. He knows he's not supposed to jump, and when he's calm he's an angel, but during these spurts of energy I am ready to tear my hair out. He is not responsive to my rebukes nor does he tire when I block his access to the gate with my body. I get frustrated and believe he feeds off my energy, but I really need a concrete plan of what to do in this situation in order to overcome my stress and remain assertive and calm. Does anyone know the cause of these symptoms, or at least how to dampen them?