Cherish E.'s profile

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answered a question How often should I bathe my puppy?

As often as needed. Although, a quick spray down will suffice if you find yourself not wanting to bathe as often.

answered a question Why won't my dog poop?

Not pooping for dogs is not normal. Please seek veterinary advice.

answered a question Lethargy in puppies?

Please seek advice from your veterinarian. Also check around your pups space to make sure she didn't get into something she shouldn't have.

answered a question What can I give my dog for diarrhea?

Some canned pumpkin. Not pie filling. If it persists, please consult with your veterinarian. You may need a probiotic.

answered a question How much should my dog weigh?

This is breed dependent. Could you give us more detail on what type of dog you have? You should be able to feel your dogs ribs with a light press and have a nice waist tuck.

answered a question When does your rover reel get made?

It can take up to a week and Rover sends them out automatically.

commented answer Do you have to be 18 to be a sitter?

Remember that you still need the proper licensing and insurance.

answered a question If a client wants you to watch multiple dogs and/or cats are they charged PER pet?

If it is just for a drop in service, I charge for time. Will you be able to get everything done in the allotted time?

Staying in the owners home overnight? Couldn't be only $20-that's way to low of a service charge. If so, you need to up your rate.

Over night in your home? I charge per pet, but give a discounted rate after the first animal.

answered a question I recently rescued a miniature Labre doodle that is two years old and he has just had a seizure looking for some info

Please seek veterinary advice.

answered a question If I book two night what are the drop off and pick up hours???

This is client dependant. Although, I would suggest you set your own drop off and pick up times. My earliest I will accept a drop off is 7:30am, and the latest pick up is 7:00pm. Clients were wanting to pick their dogs up as late as 11pm, which is way too far into the next overnight fee.

answered a question Why does my dog chew everything?

Young puppies chew usually because they are still teething. If you have an older dog chewing up things, it could be from boredom, anxiety, stress, or your dog could be trying to alleviate tooth pain.

answered a question Paypal. Business or Personal?

I use personal. Since Rover keeps track of bookings, I can just go back and add up my earnings.

answered a question Why does my dog sleep at my feet?

Dominance theory was debunked long ago. Your dog is simply comfortable in that spot.

answered a question How should you take care of a Yorkie?

What are you needing help with specifically?

answered a question About the pricing of two visits per day equals what?

Full charge per visit.

answered a question How often should I take my dog out?

This depends on the dog. Do you have a young puppy still in potty training? Young puppies should be taken out every 1-2 hours. As your dog develops more control, you can have much longer spans between potty breaks.

answered a question Can I leave my dog in the car?

You shouldn't leave your dog in the car. It is a safety issue. Keep those pups safe!

answered a question In the winter the tips of my dog's ears get scabby. Is there anything I can do to treat them?

Mushers Secret also works on ears like this. It will help soothe them as well.

answered a question If my dog has dark nails, how can I tell where the quik is?

Black nails and white nails both have a point to where they have a wider darker section in the nail where you are getting close to the quick. If you are skilled enough to dremel them, I highly recommend it. You can get the nails shorter faster and get the quicks to recede much faster. If you haven't used a dremel on them, it may take some time to get them conditioned to it.

commented answer Any suggestions on helping our smallest dog not growl and snarl at other dogs?

Physically holding the dog down is a terrible idea. Please seek the guidance of a FF trainer.

answered a question How can I tell if my dog has worms?

Take your animal to your veterinarian to have a fecal test ran. If your pup does have worms, keep it away from other animals during the medicated process and pick the poop up immediately. You don't want other animals getting anything.

answered a question Why does my dog sleep on her back?

Comfy pup! She's found her perfect spot to sleep.

received badge  Citizen Patrol (source)
answered a question Why does my dog hump people?

Dominance theory was debunked long ago. And, spaying and neutering also doesn't always get rid of the want to hump.

Humping can be a sign of over excitement, stress, anxiety, etc. Redirection to something fun every time your pup starts is the best thing.

answered a question Any suggestions on helping our smallest dog not growl and snarl at other dogs?

DO NOT make your dog "submit." If you have a sitter or trainer that suggests this, run away-fast. They are going to make your problem much, much worse.

A dog growl is a warning. Your pup is showing you and the new dog that they are uncomfortable with the situation. By punishing your dog for growling, you are putting yourself and other dogs in harms way.

answered a question Why is my dog's breath so bad?

Please do not give your dogs milk bones trying to help clean their teeth. Raw meaty bones will help your pup scrape tartar and build up off of their teeth. Your dog could also be genetically prone to tooth decay which will cause bad breath. If you are concerned about your pups breath and teeth, please seek a veterinarians advice.

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commented answer How to feel about raw feedings?

Thanks! Darn auto correct! ??

commented question Any experience with male dog "leaking" after urinating?

This could be a number of things. If this is a sudden onset of behavior, I would seek out your Veterinarian.

answered a question Best backpack for a dog?

We really like Ruffwear brands. They hold up really well & Ruffwear has amazing customer service.

answered a question DNA tests for dogs

DNA tests for dogs are really inaccurate. The science just isn't there yet. The results may be entertaining though! :D

answered a question Is there a certain question to ask when handing out bussiness cards?

My clients usually share their Rover Wheels on their pages & their friends ask about it. In order to reach a lot of people, I posted on our local shelters page about donating a percentage for the month to them. I reached over 5,000 people by making one posting.

Carry business cards everywhere! Casually talking with someone, hand it to them & tell them to call if they ever need you. My kids teachers even have cards. :D

answered a question Dog Birthday Celebration

We had a Happy Adoption Day for our guy. I bought him a big box of goodies that he got to pull out by himself. & he got to enjoy a big steak! I love little puppy parties, they are always so cute!

Happy birthday to your pup!

received badge  Critic (source)
answered a question Help! My new Frenchton is so gasssy!

Could be that the food isn't agreeing with your pup. Anything from a specific protein to any ruffage ingredient.

answered a question Recovery for a dog tooth being pulled?

My Dane mutt had to have one extracted, not long ago. The aftercare isn't too difficult. You will be given pain medication for your dog & most likely will be told to fast your dog for the remainder of the day. We added a canned food to a very small amount of kibble, increasing the kibble amount each day for about 5 days, just to keep him comfortable. After a week, you should take your pup back in to see your vet to have the extraction site examined.

answered a question Why do bully sticks smell so bad?

They are dehydrated bull penis. You can buy "softer" varieties that don't smell as bad. Dogs love them & give them something to do for a bit. Great for a few minutes of distraction.

commented question Can dogs get stung by mosquitoes?

Yes! This is how dogs can develop heart worms! A good heartworm preventative is very important for your dogs health.

answered a question Why do people dock dogs tails?

A lot of it has to do with aesthetics.

answered a question how about Dentastix?? Are they ok??

They do have way too many ingredients to be something I would purchase. They are also made by a company with a poor reputation.

answered a question Where do you buy your dog food?

We buy our dog food a local small dog specialty shop. I have done tons of research on dog food & there has been nothing at big box stores that I would come close to spending money on. I always suggest doing what is best for your dog(s). What works for others may not work for my dogs. We have to use a grain free food & always buy high quality.

answered a question Does anyone have 3 dogs?

We have two dogs, a bird, and a water snail. We aren't planning on adding another animal until both dogs have passed away, which will be another 10 years or so. I would love to get a GSD.

asked a question How to feel about raw feedings?

I don't have a problem with raw feedings as long as they are a balanced meal. How do you handle them?