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asked a question Can you bring a puppy back to their first/foster home for visit?

My parents got a Goldendoodle this past December but, due to my Mom's extensive health issues, they weren't able to take care of him the way he deserved. My husband and I happily adopted him into our home this past weekend and he's been adjusting really well and settling in nicely. After having him in their home for a month, my parents obviously miss him and would like us to visit with them in their home from time to time. We're wondering how long we should wait until we can bring him there for a visit. We don't want to confuse him, so does anyone know if there's a certain amount of time we should wait until bringing him back into the first home he was in after the breeder's? He was with them just over a month and has been with us for a week this Saturday. Should we wait a month? A year? Does it not make a difference? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!