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commented answer What are your recommendations for a small breed that does not shed and does well with children?

May I just say that there is NO breed that's hypoallergenic. It just is not true. Some breeds, like Poodles, have a soft single coat (i.e. no second underlayer, like a Lab or Pugs or Corgis, to name just a few), but all dogs produce skin dander and saliva that's where loads of allergens are.

answered a question How do I handle a large dog that lays down during walks?

Just wondering--is something hurting him? Often young dogs with mild or nascent hip dysplasia will present this way. This probably isn't the case but I'm just tossing it out there. It may be physical, not just behavioral.

commented answer What's wrong with my dog's leg?

I'm coming to this late but the first thing I thought of was a cruciate ligament pull or tear. Hope that isn't the case but agree that a vet visit would have been in order. Either way given his age and size arthritis is very likely too and it's extremely painful at times.

commented answer How does a heart murmur affect an active dog?

I'll end by saying that most vets (and this is not meant as a criticism) are not well-versed in cardiac issues. It's best to go to a cardiologist and get a firm diagnosis/assessment/treatment plan (if one is necessary). An auscultation is very reasonable. Take care, and good luck with your dog!

commented answer How does a heart murmur affect an active dog?

Here's a list by state: (

commented answer How does a heart murmur affect an active dog?

You need a veterinary cardiologist. There are all kinds of cardiac issues in dogs; a cardiologist will be able to do a simple auscultation and maybe an ultrasound and can tell you exactly what the cause is/how to proceed. Murmurs in dogs are common, and a specialist will put your mind at rest.

commented question Why do people dock dogs tails?

Tail docking, depending on the breed and dog involved, can absolutely be necessary. Certain dogs with long, whippy tails can wag them so vigorously that they actually break and/or split the tail open ("happy tail" syndrome). Some working dogs are docked to prevent injury for similar reasons.

answered a question When does puppy breath go away?

Puppy breath is short-lived, and, yes, it's usually gone by the time they're 10-12 weeks old. If your dog has odiferous breath as a young adult or an adult it's always best to see a vet and find out why.