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commented answer Tips to stop MALE dogs from urinating all over your house

Well, unfortunately the back room is carpeted and once that urine gets in there, no cleaner on Earth will remove a smell deep, deep down in the padding. Dogs always smell it. I am saving up to replace the carpet with flooring, but that is SO expensive. It's a large room. Still, nearly every single male dog I've watched will mark every surface he can outside, which is fine. Many of them mark inside the first 2 days, then slow down once he gets his smell in there, all around. But some male dogs never stop for days. I guess I have to go buy belly bands and hope they don't chew them off. I don't want to waste a lot of money. My own male dogs never mark inside the house.

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commented answer How to prevent 'marking.'

It sounds like it could do you tie up a dog to very spot he urinates on? Every corner, wall, my outdoor bar b que grill cover, There may not be a place to wrap the leash around. The trainer has to stand there for 20 minutes....just stand there?

commented answer How to prevent 'marking.'

Well, this would mean the sitter would have to go to the store and purchase the belly bands with her own money, use the band on the dog, and hope the dog won't just chew it off.

asked a question Tips to stop MALE dogs from urinating all over your house

Whether neutered or not, I find nearly every male dog I watch will mark in different places in my home by urinating. Only the males. I've had no choice but to keep dogs confined to the back of my house via a half-door between the kitchen and living room / bedroom areas. The back of my home is my family room and office, which now smells terrible. I've cleaned the carpet several times with Natures Miracle carpet cleaner and other chemicals. The carpet now has to be removed and replaced with flooring tiles when I can eventually afford it.

I know this is natural for male dogs when in a new home, especially when around other dogs. I wish there was some way to stop these little urine puddles on every vertical surface, wall, table leg, corner etc. My own dogs never do this.

commented question Any tips or tricks for giving a particularly wily dog a pill?

Easy! First, get the dog into the "food frenzy" mode just like a shark gets. LOL. Toss him little balls of cream cheese or Velvetta or balls of rolled up soft american cheese. Let him eat 3 or 4 or 5 plain. THEN toss him one food ball with the pill wrapped up inside. change it up - one time use one kind of cheese, then next time use a different flavor. You can also use hamburger meat. Just get him into a food frenzy mode first. It's best to do this right before meal time when he is HUNGRY. Dogs tend to not chew much, so hopefully he will just swallow the food ball.

answered a question Multiple dogs watched at one time?

Most of us who take multiple bookings take only small dogs. My home would not be large enough for more than 1 large dog! I take no more than three boarders,but I really prefer no more than two. As far as feeding, the best thing to do is to remove the dog's bedding from their crate, place their food dish inside, and place each dog inside their empty crate. Leave them in the crates for about 15 - 20 minutes if they don't eat their food right away. Then take away the food and let them out. Try again at the next meal time. They may not eat the first or second time, but by the third time they will most likely be so hungry, they will eat. This prevents any possibility of food fights over a bowl of food left on the floor.

received badge  Teacher (source)
answered a question Any tips or tricks for giving a particularly wily dog a pill?

Give the dog several pieces of the hot dog or soft cheese (Velveeta or cream cheese) FIRST. Always do this before dinner time, when he is very hungry. After the 3rd of 4th piece, give the one piece containing the pill.