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asked a question Why does my dog poop so much?

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answered a question What can I give my dog for inflammation?

Human non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs - like Advil, Aleve, etc.) can are toxic to dogs. You should never give them these medications. Buffered aspirin is ok, but you have to make sure you're giving the correct dose, because it comes with potential side effects and is not recommended for dogs with certain medical issues. Benadryl is a very safe medication for minor reactions, but won't do anything for pain. Fish oil is a great natural anti-inflammatory, but it's more of a supplemental aid to prescription medication and doesn't do a whole lot on it's own. It's really best to see your veterinarian to get a prescription medication if you feel like your dog is in pain. There are some relatively affordable, effective and safe anti-inflammatories available for dogs.

answered a question How often should you wash your puppy?

A good rule of thumb is every 3-4 weeks, unless they get dirty. A shampoo formulated for dogs is best. Baby shampoo is tolerated by most dogs, but not all of them, so I wouldn't risk it. Regular human shampoo is always a no-no. It'll really irritate the skin. It's always good to also clean their ears afterward with a doggie ear cleaner. They typically will have a drying agent in them that helps to evaporate the moisture, lowering the risk of an ear infection.

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answered a question My dog and fire and burglar Alarm sounds - how to deal with this?

It's hard to predict what will happen if you're not there to stop it right away. She may be so scared that she just finds a place to hide until it stops or you come home. Or, she could react in the opposite way and get so anxious she destroys the house. Does she show anxious behavior to any other triggers? If so, she may just have underlying anxiety and a low dog of anxiety meds may be a great option to help her cope. You don't want to constantly medicate if there's only one thing that sets her off, but it's a great aid if she's generally anxious. If she's destructive, you may want to keep her in a crate every time you leave, just in case. That could be soothing to her to have a confined, comfortable place to be when something stressful is going on. You certainly don't want to punish her for being reactive to an alarm, because she should be, to some extent. Alarms indicate danger and she should get a little upset by the thought of your home being in danger. I think this is a "wait and see" kind of situation. It's hard to "treat" something that hasn't happened yet.

answered a question Why does my dog act like a baby?

Without having more specific information on the behavior that's being displayed, I would say that the dog needs either more discipline, independence or socialization. Dogs really depend on rules and boundaries to guide their behavior, so if they're used to getting away with anything but then you all of a sudden say "no" or limit their freedom, they're going to be very upset. If your dog is being overly dramatic during interactions with other dogs or people, it may just need more exposure. Imagine a sheltered child that's never told no, never has to share and always lives a very pampered lifestyle...he/she isn't going to deal well with anything that's not within its very comfortable, isolated routine.

answered a question What is the best type of muzzle to use on a bracycephalic dog?

Your vet may also be able to sell you whatever brand they use in-house. They'll likely have multiple types to fit different types of dogs, and many vets carry extras to sell to clients. Definitely worth a shot!

answered a question Why does my dog skin smell bad and itch?

The other possibility could be allergies. If your dog is scratching and licking enough because of an allergic reaction, a skin infection can develop. This causes a foul odor and sometimes the areas your dogs scratches or chews at most will lose fur. Either way, a visit to the vet is the best course of action!

answered a question Can I get tapeworm from my dog?

The most common way to get tapeworms is by eating fleas. So you shouldn't need to worry unless you're also snacking on them! :) Obviously make sure you're washing your hands after picking up their poo, but it's really unlikely you'll get them from your dog.

answered a question Why does my dog limp sometimes?

Is it a hind leg? If it's occasionally limping on a hind leg, the likely explanation is that your dog has a luxating patella, or a kneecap that slides in and out of place. If they have issues with the ligaments in their knee, or the anatomy of their joint is defective (whether from birth or due to injury) it can cause this to happen. They'll be walking fine one minute, limp for a few steps until they can pop it back into place, and then they act as if nothing happened. It's definitely important to consult a vet about this, as it can progress and cause more serious issues, such as complete lameness. The earlier you address an orthopedic problem, the better!

answered a question How much should my dog sleep?

The short answer is: as much as he/she wants! Puppies and senior pets will sleep more than middle-aged dogs. There isn't really a dangerous amount of sleep a dog can get, but do pay attention to their behavior while awake. If he/she seems lethargic all of the time or activity level is dropping, it may be worth a visit to the vet.

answered a question Why is my dog vomiting yellow?

Does this typically happen right before feeding time? This is a pretty common side effect of acid reflux. Some dogs will vomit yellow bile when their stomach gets too empty (typically right before it's time for their next meal). An easy solution to this is to feed your dog more often (but not more in quantity) so that there is always a little bit of food in the belly. So for example: instead of feeding breakfast and dinner, feed a breakfast, an early dinner and then add a late night meal right before bed. OTC human antacids can also help, but you must consult your veterinarian on dosing, as it varies based on the dogs weight and will not be comparable to human dosing.

answered a question Why does my dog bite me?

There are several possible reasons for why this is happening and age can certainly play a factor. If it's a puppy, this is pretty common and not necessarily a sign of aggression. When puppies play with each other, they use their mouths, a lot. So when they play with you, they assume they can do the same until trained otherwise. A stern "no" when this happens, followed by providing an appropriate item to chew on/bite and then rewarding the desired behavior, should do the trick. If this is an older dog, it's more likely to be a behavioral/fearful response. Pay attention to what the environment is like when this happens. Is it always when your dog is on the leash? Some dogs become aggressive when restrained. Is it always around its food? It may have some guarding tendencies. Is it happening when you aren't giving him/her enough attention? Maybe it needs more exercise. Outside of behavior, the one other reason your dog will start biting is pain. If your dog is painful for whatever reason (skin infection, trauma, neurological distress), biting is a knee-jerk reaction; he/she is telling you that something hurts and they don't feel comfortable being touched. Outside of typically puppy-biting, a veterinarian should be consulted to diagnose the cause and provide the appropriate consult or treatment.

answered a question Why does my dog keep licking herself?

I would add just two more possibilities to the list that Deb gave. If your dog is licking his/her rear end, it could be a sign that he/she needs the anal glands expressed or there is a urinary tract infection present. If you notice discoloration in the fur, skin irritation or the licking is non-stop, no matter the area of the body, you should see your vet.

answered a question Why does my dog scratch so much at night?

The two most common reasons for dogs to scratch are fleas and allergies. Though, if you have a hairy dog, sometimes all of that fur can get irritating. Is your dog outside most of the day and only inside at night? It's possible your dog is sensitive to something in your house...dust mites, another pet, the laundry detergent you use on his/her bed, thus only causing him/her to scratch when inside. Your vet could provide more insight into what the cause is and whether or not treatment is appropriate.

answered a question Does my dog have allergies?

There are two common types of allergies in dogs: food and environmental. Dogs can be allergic to common ingredients in their food (the type protein being the biggest offender, but not always the case) as well as different things in their environment (plants, trees, dust mites, cats, fleas, etc.). Common signs of allergies in dogs are: scratching, recurring ear/skin infections, rashes on the skin and even vomiting/diarrhea (common side effects of food allergies). The only definitive way to know what your dog is allergic to is to do allergy testing through your veterinarian. However, you can always try eliminating common allergens at home and see if it helps. Sometimes something as simple as Benadryl is all your vet may recommend to treat, but there are allergy treatments if the side effects are severe enough.

answered a question Why does my dog have muscle spasms?

Does this happen when your dog is standing, laying down or both? It could be a sign of muscle weakness, due to age or injury. It could also be related to an issue with the nervous system not controlling muscle movement like it should. Regardless, it would be a good idea to see your vet about it. It'll be helpful to capture a video of it when it happens to show your vet, since sometimes dogs don't always display their symptoms the same way when they're at the vet, especially if they get really nervous or stressed when they go.

answered a question Why does my dog sit in the corner?

If your dog has always done this, it's likely just a personality quirk or spacial preference. If this is a new behavior, it can either be anxiety, aging or a sign of illness. Changes to the household or surrounding environment are common triggers for new anxiety. A move, a new pet or human in the house, construction nearby, etc. Aging is another reason for a behavior like this. If your dog is older and maybe is starting to develop hearing or vision issues, he/she may not be as comfortable navigating around the house as he/she used to be, so the corner has become the designated "safe place." Lastly, a strange "hiding" behavior can be a sign that something is going on with your pup's health. It may not be anything obvious yet (like vomiting or diarrhea), but it could be their way of saying that something is "off." If this continues for several days, it wouldn't hurt to see your vet to rule out illness and discuss some anxiety solutions.

answered a question Why does my dog eat wood chips?

The two most common reasons for this are learned behavior (watching another dog do it) and boredom. If your dog doesn't have enough to keep his/her attention when out in the yard, they can resort to chewing on random and inappropriate objects. Try to engage your dog in games that he/she likes (like fetch) and make sure to redirect whenever they're eating something inappropriate. Yelling "no" as they're chewing on the inappropriate object, replacing it with an appropriate one and then praising the heck of of them for redirecting is a really effective method. Dogs are people pleasers, so the more you praise them for what you WANT them to do, they'll learn to act appropriately. Also, any sort of barrier to keep them away from unwanted objects can help break that cycle and get them to focus on appropriate outdoor activities.

answered a question How often can I bathe my dog with flea shampoo?

You shouldn't need to use flea shampoo unless your dog has an active flea infestation. But if that's the case, you can wash your dog 1-2 times a week, but not long term. Flea shampoo doesn't have any preventative properties once it's rinsed off, so it won't do anything to keep fleas from jumping right back on your pup as soon as he/she goes outside. To prevent fleas and to completely get ride of the infestation, you'll want prescription-strength prevention (Frontline, Advantage, Comfortis, etc.). OTC brands may have the same "active" ingredient, but in a lot of products it's the "inactive" ingredients that actually assist the active ones in doing the job effectively, and those tend to be regulated/prescription strength. It can take up to 3 months to completely get rid of a flea infestation in your dog, especially if they've set up residence in your carpet, furniture, etc.

answered a question How can I tell if my dog is sick?

Some common things that can indicate illness in your dog and you should see your vet about. Not an all-inclusive list, but some of the more common signs of illness:

*Limping *Vomiting or diarrhea for more than 24 hours (or sooner if it's a small or geriatric pup - as they can get dehydrated quicker) *Blood in vomit or stool, even once *Not urinating or defecating for more than 24 hours *Panting when he/she would typically be relaxed *Pale gums *Not wanting to eat for more than 24 hours/not drinking water for more than 12 *Foul smells not attributed to lack of bathing or another known reason (could be a sign of a skin or ear infection, etc.) *Swollen abdomen *Not wanting to be touched/held or yelping when touched *Not lifting his/her head, not standing up, hunched back, dragging limbs *Excessively licking or chewing one spot on the body - could be an indication of infection or a foreign body in the skin *Any strange behavior that's very out of the normal for your dog that goes on for more than 24 hours

answered a question Why does my dog cry while sleeping?

If this only happens while your dog is sleeping, he/she is most likely just dreaming. If behavior, mood, activity levels and appetite are otherwise normal, I wouldn't worry. It's extremely unlikely for a dog to show signs of pain only when it's sleeping.

answered a question Why does my dog poop inside?

If this is a puppy, this is totally normal (at first). Dog's potty train at different paces and it can take a while to get the hang of it, especially for smaller dogs. If it's a dog that once was trained to use potty pads inside and you're now trying to have him/her go outside, it can be tricky. During their formative puppy years, they were taught that it's ok to go inside (in designated places) and now that's changed. It can take some time to train that behavior out of them. If this is an older dog that's always been good about going outside and that's now changed, I would recommend visiting your vet. As dogs age, they can sometimes lose control of their bowels. This could just be a side affect of age and declining muscle tone along the GI tract, or there could be a medical issue going on that needs to be addressed. More frequent potty breaks would be helpful for any of these situations as well.

answered a question What can you use to wash your dog?

I agree with Caroline. Human shampoo is not meant for dogs' sensitive skin and can be quite irritating. You can use Dawn dish detergent, but I wouldn't recommend this unless your dog has fleas, as it's not meant for long-term use. It's best to just get a doggie-formulated shampoo from your vet or a pet story. You don't need anything fancy or medicated, unless your dog has a medical issue. Aloe and oatmeal formulas are great for the average pup.

answered a question Why does my old dog pee in the house?

The only thing I would add to Aubrey's comment is that older dogs can go senile, and therefore can get confused about what they're supposed to do; even if it's a very basic activity they've understood since puppyhood. Again, a visit to the vet is going to be the best way to diagnose and find the appropriate treatment.

answered a question Why does my dog bite his back?

The two most common reasons are either fleas or allergies. If a dog has fleas, they tend to hang out on the back or just above the tail base. A flea comb taken down the back, focusing just above the tail, is the best way to check for fleas. Also, make sure your dog is on year-round, prescription-strength flea prevention, especially if you're in a warmer state where fleas are active year round. If a dog is sensitive to flea bites (Not all dogs are. Some don't even notice flea bites!), only one or two fleas can set off a reaction. Over-the-counter flea preventions may indicate that they have the same active ingredient as those you purchase from your vet, but many times it's the inactive ingredients that assist the active ones in doing their job and can make a world of difference in their effectiveness. These ingredients tend to be the ones that are highly-regulated and therefore prescription strength. If your dog is free of fleas, addressing possible allergies would be the next step. Your vet can provide more information on what the appropriate steps to take would be for testing or treatment trials, based on your dog's environment and location.

answered a question Why does my dog urinate in her sleep?

As female dogs age, especially ones that have been spayed, they start to lose control over the bladder muscles. This is called urinary incontinence. Generally, the first sign that a dog is becoming incontinent is urinating or "dribbling" in her sleep. Your vet should be able to prescribe a supplement that can help with bladder strength. If your dog is still young, there could be an anatomical issue that may need to be addressed. In either case, a visit to the vet is going to be the best route to go.

answered a question Why does my female dog hump my male cat?

Females are the leaders of doggie packs, so they actually tend to be the more dominant sex. Humping is one of the most common ways that dogs display their dominance over other animals. This isn't a reproductive behavior, obviously, but is most likely your dog trying to assert her dominance over the cat. Aside from possibly being annoying to the cat, this isn't a worrisome behavior.

answered a question Why does my dog have gas all of a sudden?

Doggie flatulence is typically attributed to diet. If you've made a change in diet recently, this could be the reason. Dogs can be sensitive to the amount of fiber in their diet and if that's changed or isn't the right amount for the currently dietary needs (age, activity level, etc.), it can cause gas. Maybe give your vet a call to discuss the amount of fiber that's in your dog's current diet and what percentage they think you should shoot for to resolve.

answered a question Why does my dog have a metallic smell?

This smell is most commonly associated with the anal glands. Dogs have two glands on the inside of their rectum that secrete a material with a very distinct smell. This is a marking mechanism and is specific to each dog. They should express on their own, each time the dog defecates and the stool applies pressure to the glands. If a dog is having trouble expressing these glands naturally (either due to soft stool, anatomy issues, etc.), they can get backed up. Dogs will lick their rear ends, scoot their bottoms along the carpet, etc. to try and help them express. It's unlikely there is any internal bleeding, but it would be a good idea to have your vet check the anal glands to make sure there isn't an issue with those.

answered a question Why does my dog pee in her sleep?

The most common reason for a female dog to urinate in her sleep is urinary incontinence. As female dogs age, especially ones that have been spayed, their bladder loses muscle tone and has a harder time holding the urine in. Your vet should be able to prescribe a supplement that will help with this.

answered a question Why does my dog poop all the time?

If your dog is a puppy, it's common for them to have many bowel movements during the day. If your dog is an adult, you may need to see a vet about a diet that's higher in fiber or to make sure there is not a concern for a GI condition. A typical adult dog should only have 1-3 bowel movements a day. Roughly, it should equate to how many times they're fed. If they eat twice a day, two bowel movements (on average) should be it. Once daily feeding, they'll typically just have one.

answered a question Why does my dog not like other dogs?

This may be a breed-specific behavior, as some breeds are more "people dogs" and don't really care for the company of other dogs, just their humans. This could also be the result of a traumatizing experience early on in the dog's life. It's best not to force it and give them space if they need it. Also, there will almost always be other dogs that your dog doesn't get along with. Just like humans, we typically don't like every single person we come into contact with. Certainly personalities are going to clash. If this behavior becomes a safety issue for your dog or others, it would be best to consult a behaviorist.

commented question Why does my dog not like other dogs?

This may be a breed-specific behavior, as some breeds are more "people dogs" and don't really care for the company of other dogs, just their humans. This could also be the result of a traumatizing experience early on in the dog's life. It's best not to force it and give them space if they need it.

answered a question What's the best shampoo for Yorkies?

It's really going to depend on the dog, as some can have sensitive skin, dander, etc. A great multipurpose shampoo would be an aloe and oatmeal one. The average dog will handle that well and it helps to moisturize and soothe the skin. Heavy fragrances can be irritating to the skin, so I would avoid those.