JenniC C.'s profile

Recent Activity

answered a question Badges and Approval?

Hi Alannah! It looks to me like your profile has been approved and is active for dog sitting & walking + cat care. As far as the badge, it seems to me that I had it the same day. As Daniela suggested, you should contact Rover support directly for them to sort this out.

commented answer While walking your dog, how do you keep him from getting at trash on the ground?

The OP specifically mentions this is about the dog finding things on his daily walks.

commented answer While walking your dog, how do you keep him from getting at trash on the ground?

The OP specifically mentions this is about the dog finding things on his daily walks.

commented answer While walking your dog, how do you keep him from getting at trash on the ground?

The OP specifically mentions this is about the dog finding things on his daily walks.

received badge  Teacher (source)
received badge  Critic (source)
received badge  Supporter (source)
answered a question How can I post photos from a stay at my house?

Hi Beverly, In addition to this community forum, there is also Help documentation maintained by the staff here:

They have answer to your question for both adding pictures from your phone and computer:

but NOTE that you have to be in a "conversation" in order to send a picture