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answered a question Owner left a false review. What should I do?

It's a learning experience. And a good reason not to let new-to-you dogs on your bed, especially when the owner told you they have an anxiety/fear-based peeing problem. I agree you would do well to change your response to the negative review. The review is rational & mature regarding the specific event, so maybe speak to that & offer remorse & gratitude for the learning experience. People will eat that up.

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answered a question How do you schedule your daily drop-in/ walk times with clients?

Everyone wants noon! Its understandable, of course, but its still frustrating. We can't be at 5 places at the same time. Like you, I give a time-frame-, but a wider one even than 11:30 - 12:30. I tell pet owners wanting a noon visit that I have regulars who all want M-F noon walks for their dogs, but I can only guarantee that I will begin the walk some time between 11 am & 2 pm. I tell them this before the meet and greet, to save us all time if its an issue. If it is an issue, I'm fine with them finding a different walker. If once I've started walking for them, they complain about the time, I would just remind them I'm very good at my job & dependable & popular (haha) so I have many other pet clients who all want noon. But if they need to find someone who can come at exactly noon each time after all, there are plenty of great sitters on Rover & maybe they can find someone not as in demand. :-) No hard feelings!

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