Ginger L.'s profile

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received badge  Good Answer (source)
commented question Is there a Pet Sitter Questionnaire you use when you go to Meet and Greet?

Yes, I developed my own detailed questionnaire. Clients love it! After the initial meet and greet, I take the questionna...

commented question Is there a Pet Sitter Questionnaire you use when you go to Meet and Greet?

Yes, I developed my own detailed questionnaire. Clients love it! After the initial meet and greet, I take the questionna...

received badge  Nice Answer (source)
received badge  Teacher (source)
commented answer Why do you guys take such high fees?

Or you can set up your own website through GoDaddy and let them use search engines to advertise for you. However, if you...

received badge  Rapid Responder (source)
answered a question Why do you guys take such high fees?

I agree, too, as Rover can be seen as a fancy community bulletin board. But the basic pet and home insurance that Rover ...

commented answer customer service phone number?

I'm using my desktop computer right now. The pages no longer have the customer support number at the bottom. They are trying to force people to send them an electronic message.

commented question customer service phone number?

Yes, I just got through to Rover at 888-453-7889. Press 1 for emergency. Otherwise, press 2.

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