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answered a question How to tell if my dog has worms?

Hello there!

As there are different kinds of worms a dog can contract there are many symptoms and thing to look out for if you suspect your furry friend has worms. The most common types of parasites a canine can contract are roundworms, hookworms, whipworms and tapeworms. Most worm infestations cause any or all of these symptoms: Diarrhea, perhaps with blood, weight loss, dry hair, general poor appearance, vomiting, perhaps with worms in the vomit. However, some infestations cause few or no symptoms; in fact some worm eggs or larvae can be dormant in the pet's body and activated only in times of stress. One of the most visible ways of detecting tapeworms is looking at the dogs poop and their anus shortly after passing the stool. Not always, but in most cases, if the dog has tapeworms you will be able to see little, white, rice-like segments around the anus of the dog. These are tapeworm segments that have been passed through the dogs digestive tract. Any case of worms needs to be taken care of as soon as possible by a veterinarian. If you suspect that your pet has worms it would be a good idea to visit your local veterinarian for a fecal exam. Only your veterinarian can tell you with 100% accuracy if your pet has worms and will need treatment. Hope your dog is feeling much better very soon!

-Lexi F.

answered a question Why does my dog keep limping?

Hello There!

A limp can be caused by many different factors. It can be caused by anything from favoritism of a previous injury, or a thorn in their foot, to major injuries such as a broken bone. Also, if your dog is older, 7+, age may be a factor as many dogs who are older tend to suffer from issues such as Hip Dysplasia. Regardless of the probable cause for the limp it would be a good idea to visit your local veterinarian for an exam and possible treatment. Hope your dog starts feeling much better very soon!!

-Lexi F.