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answered a question When can I stop crating my dog while away at work?

I would start with just leaving her out for short periods of time and slowly building that up until you can trust her while you're gone for a full day at work. I think a doggie door is a good idea to allow her to go outside and potty if she needs to while you're gone! You just have to be comfortable with her being in the backyard by herself and know she won't dig out or anything. Good luck!

answered a question New puppy tips on how to take care of her ?

I think the most important thing with puppies is having rules/boundaries and sticking to them! What they learn now will shape their behavior for years to come. Make sure she gets at least her second round of vaccinations before you're taking her to places where unknown dogs may be or have been. You don't know if those unknown dogs have been properly vaccinated or if they're sick, and you don't want your baby to be exposed to something bad for her! Take advantage of this time to socialize her to as many things as you can so she is well adjusted and doesn't have any fear or aggression issues when she grows up (not saying she will, just better to be proactive!). And take lots and lots of pictures and videos! The puppy stage passes way too quickly. Have fun with your baby girl!

commented answer House training - when can a dog just roam?

The schedule thing is a great tip! I think schedules and consistency are so important. In my experience, having potty pads inside just teaches the dog that going inside is what he/she is supposed to do and can make it hard to transition to outdoors only, but others may have had more success with it!

answered a question House training - when can a dog just roam?

Something you might try to teach her to signal when she needs to go out is using potty bells! They're bells you hang on the back door (or whatever door you regularly take her through to go potty). When I first taught my labradoodle to use them, I would ring them every time I took him out to go potty. I would give him a short period to go (30 seconds, 1 minute at most), and if he didn't I would put him in his kennel and then try again in a few minutes, ringing the bell once again when I took him out. This way they start to associate the bell sounds with going out to go potty only (not just going out to play). As he got older and started understanding the concept, I would have him be the one to ring the bell when I took him out. An easy way to do that is to hold the treat behind the bells and when he went to get the treat his nose would also hit and ring the bells. Same drill with putting him in his kennel if he didn't go. After a while, he started ringing the bell on his own when he needed to go out. The key is consistency!

asked a question Charging for additional services?

I got a request for a house sitting booking with 4 dogs and 3 cats, and the client also requested I do meal prep (microwave meals, no actual cooking) for her elderly father. I was looking at charging $70.00 per night, with the fees being $20 for the first dog, $10 for each additional dog, and $5 per cat plus an extra $5 for the meal prep. I basically just need someone to confirm with me that the price sounds reasonable to give me some peace of mind before I take it to the client.

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