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asked a question Anyone with Trouble Getting (Pet-Friendly) Apartment Buildings to Allow Boarding?

I am new to Rover and want badly to be able to board dogs. My current apartment building just recently started accepting small dogs. Like most buildings, they require fees, a deposit, shot records and a pet bio. I proposed to the property manager that I pay the pet deposit and fee, and send over shot records and bios from all dogs that will stay with me for her approval. She was fine with the idea, but upper management would not allow it. They said that it would put too much strain on management to have to go through and approve multiple dogs for one tenant.

I am now looking for another apartment as my lease is up in September (I planned on moving anyway). Has anyone had any trouble with apartment management like this? What should I look for in a pet-friendly apartment building? How could I propose dog-boarding with Rover in a way that will persuade property management to allow it?

Any advice is greatly appreciated! Thanks!