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answered a question What is the best dog food for beagles?

Since beagles are prone to weight issues, it's always a good idea to have your beagle on a high-protein, low-fat diet. Three of the best food brands on the market are: Blue, Natural Balance, and FreshPet. Blue has a variety of flavors and formulas to meet your dog's needs and is very high in protein. On a similar thread, Natural Balance also has a variety of flavors and formulas. For either brand, it is advisable to feed your dog the "Weight Control" formula (Blue) or "Fat Dog" formula (Natural Balance) to ensure that his weight remains at a healthy level. FreshPet differs from Natural Balance and Blue in the sense that it is a refrigerated food that you can cut up and give to your dog. This food is the highest in protein, meaning it doesn't contain the fats that will contribute to obesity. For FreshPet, it's important to follow the feeding guidelines outlined on the package to ensure your dog is eating the appropriate amount.

All of the above foods are available at any PetSmart, online at http://www.chewy.com, or any major pet food retailer.

answered a question What can I put on my dog for dry skin?

Ironically enough, a dog often has dry skin because you're putting TOO MUCH on him. Dry skin is the number one sign of over-washing or of irritation to shampoo. Try using a dog shampoo that contains chamomile or oatmeal (look for a formula labeled as "sensitive skin"). Another option is to use a puppy shampoo because these are often more gentle than the adult dog formulas. To avoid over-washing, bathe your dog no more than once per month, excluding special circumstances or if your veterinarian advises you otherwise. You can purchase dog cleaning wipes at any pet store for spot cleaning in between baths to keep your pooch fresh, moisturized, and clean!

answered a question What is a good allergy shampoo for dogs?

If your dog has allergies, any shampoo with limited ingredients that also has oatmeal or chamomile will suffice. Many brands have a formula specifically for sensitive skin, so be sure to read the label carefully. Another option is to use a puppy shampoo, for these formulas are often more gentle than adult dog shampoos. If your dog has severe allergies, a veterinarian can prescribe you a medicated canine shampoo. However, it is not advisable to purchase a medicated shampoo without a veterinarian's opinion and you often cannot do so without a medical script.

answered a question Why does my dog have bad dandruff?

Dandruff is a sign that your dog's coat is dry. This is often the result of using shampoos with harsh ingredients or of over-washing. Be sure to use a shampoo with oatmeal or chamomile to soothe and nourish your dog's skin. Likewise, to avoid over-washing, do not wash your dog more than once per month (except in special circumstances or as advised by your veterinarian). If your dog frequently dirties his paws or his face, you can purchase dog cleaning wipes at any pet store for spot cleaning in between washes!

answered a question Why does my dog sleep with his eyes open?

A dog sleeping with his eyes open is completely normal. This is a trait derived from their wild ancestors. Sleeping with their eyes open allowed dogs to appear awake and to thereby ward off any potential predators while taking a snooze.

Because some dogs may also experience seizures while they are asleep, it's important to know the difference between sleeping with eyes open and having a seizure. A dog that is sleeping with his eyes open will often have a soft look to him. Even though the eyes are open, they are relaxed and peaceful. He may experience slight twitching as he enters the REM sleep cycle, but as a whole he appears content and healthy. A dog that is having a seizure will often have a wide-eyed, empty stare and be jerking in an uncontrollable manner. He may also let out an involuntary cry of pain, lose control of his bowels, or foam at the mouth. If you believe your dog is experiencing a seizure, do not move him. You must let the seizure run its course. Afterwards, seek a veterinarian's attention immediately.

answered a question why does my dog dig my spot as soon as I get up?

While this tendency seems weird to humans, dogs have exhibited digging behaviors long before they were domesticated for human companionship. If your dog is a terrier breed, she is especially susceptible to dig, for they were initially bred to dig holes and to chase rats out of said holes. If your dog isn't a terrier breed, she is probably doing it to allow for maximum possible comfort. Another likely reason is to mark her territory, particularly if you were just sitting there. It is probably a sign of her affection for you and her attempt to claim you in case another dog should come by. Lastly, she could do it to keep herself entertained. Digging is a behavior trait encoded in canine DNA meaning they feel the need to dig and it satisfies them to do so. If your pup's digging becomes an issue, you can try using seat protectors or covering your bed in an uncomfortable material (tin foil, carpeting, etc.) when you get up to discourage said behavior.

answered a question Why does my dog pace at night?

If your dog is pacing at night, there could be a couple of explanations. Firstly, if your dog is a senior (7+ for large and medium breeds, 9+ for small and toy breeds), he could be experiencing mental confusion or a cognitive impairment. Sometimes, when dogs age, the chemical imbalance in their brain becomes offset, causing them to forget things or to not feel sleepy at night like they used to. While a visit to the vet is advisable if this becomes an ongoing occurrence, it may help to create a bedtime schedule/routine for your dog or to use a pheromone spray to calm him down before bedtime. If your dog isn't a senior, he may be feeling anxious or is in pain. If his pacing is continuous, a visit to the vet is advised to rule out any other health conditions. The vet may also be able to prescribe a mild sedative or anxiety reducer to help your pup get a good night's sleep!

answered a question Why does my dog lick my toes?

Your dog licking your toes is usually nothing to worry about, even if it drives you crazy! Typically, your dog licking your toes is a sign of his submissiveness to you. He is indicating that you are in charge and he perhaps wants your attention. Another potential cause is that you have food or something else on your foot that tastes good to him, even if it's so small that you don't register it's on your foot. Occasionally, dogs will lick your toes, as with other body parts, to get information about you. Dogs use their receptors to decode information found within human sweat and other secretions. Lastly, some dogs lick as a form of stress reduction, as it is thought that licking releases endorphins.

Unless your dog's licking is excessive (which may indicate a compulsive disorder and require intervention), you have nothing to worry about. You can try wearing socks around your dog, spraying your feet with something that is unpleasant to dogs (such as Bitter Apple spray found in most pet stores), or redirecting his attention to a toy whenever he begins to lick your toes.

answered a question Why does my dog snore so loud?

Dog snoring can have many causes. For some breeds, such as pugs, boxers, bulldogs, and terriers, their shorter noses result in shorter air passages, meaning they have to work harder to breathe. However, if your dog's breathing is very labored, it would be a good idea to check in with your vet to rule out any other possible causes.

If your dog isn't a short-nosed breed, other possible causes are: obesity, nasal passage/throat obstruction, allergies, dental issues, medications, sleeping position, or infection. If your dog is overweight, you may want to consider switching him to a food with a weight control formula and increasing his daily exercise. If your dog is not overweight, one of the other causes could be contributing to your canine's snoring. Regardless of whether your dog is overweight or not, a visit to the vet is recommended. Your veterinarian will be able to help you identify the cause of your dog's snoring and remedy a solution so that you two can snooze more peacefully!

answered a question Why does my dog chew his nails?

Are your dog's nails long or pointy? If so, the simple answer would be to have his nails cut. Another option for dogs who have a chewing tendency is to have the nails grinded instead of cut. This leaves a smoother, rounder finish which will be less likely to provoke your dog to chomp on them. If your dog's nails are short and not pointy or splintering, his chewing may be a sign of something else. Often, dogs chew their nails when stressed, worried, or bored. Try giving your dog a rawhide or rawhide-alternative bone to keep him occupied and to shift the focus away from his nails. With these bones, always make sure that the bone is larger than the width of the dog's mouth and that he only chews it while under your supervision. Be sure to replace the bone when it becomes too small because it may pose a choking hazard. Lastly, keep an eye on your dog for other signs of illness. Although unlikely, nail-chewing can be a sign of stress that the dog is expressing because of feeling unwell. If you notice any other weird symptoms, call your veterinarian and schedule an appointment.

answered a question Why does my dog bite people?

Before you can fix this issue, it's helpful to try to determine the cause of this behavior.

Is your dog...

Under the age of 1?

Biting people with his tail wagging?

Bowing down on his front legs before jumping up and attacking?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, it is likely that your dog thinks he is playing and does not realize that his behavior is harmful. Some useful approaches are to seek out a trainer/taking training classes, to put him in a time out whenever he bites, to redirect his attention to a toy when he goes to bite, to reinforce positive behavior with a treat, and to make a yelping sound while simultaneously avoiding jerking your hand or body part away when he bites (this causes him to think you are still playing).

If this doesn't appear to be the case, consider the following.

Is your dog...

Adopted and you're unsure of his background?

Older in age?

Extremely attached to you?

Largely unsocialized with other humans and dogs?

If this sounds more like your dog, he may be protecting you. Often, when dogs are from a one-person or two-person home with minimal exposure to other people, they become fiercely loyal to their owners and see other people as a threat because they don't know how to act. In such a case, some possible ways to combat this behavior are: seek out a trainer/take a training class, use a muzzle (SOFT MESH ONLY -- DO NOT USE BASKET MUZZLES ON DOGS AS IT CAN INTERFERE WITH BREATHING AND INCREASE ANXIETY), reinforce positive behavior with a treat, introduce dog to people in a neutral, non-territorial setting (such as the park or the sidewalk), utilize time-outs when negative behavior is displayed, and redirect attention when aggression begins.

answered a question Why is my dog foaming at the mouth?

If your dog is foaming at the mouth while excited, it could be that he is breathing harder, thereby taking in more oxygen, which often causes saliva to foam. In terms of disease, the most common ailment associated with foaming at the mouth is Rabies. However, if your dog has been vaccinated within the last year or two, the chance of rabies is very low. Other potential causes could be: indigestion, tooth injury, or medication side effect. If you have recently switched your dog's food, notice he appears in pain while chewing or moving his mouth, or have recently started him on a new medication, one of these may be the reason for his foaming. In any scenario, if you notice that your dog is foaming at the mouth on a consistent basis or that the frequency increases, it is always a good idea to seek the medical advice of a veterinarian. He will want to perform an exam on your dog and ask you questions pertaining to the foaming of the mouth in order to make a more definitive diagnosis.

answered a question Why does my dog have bloody stool?

If this is a recent, isolated occurrence, you shouldn't panic quite yet. Blood in your dog's stool is either referred to as hematochezia or melena, depending on which part of the digestive system the blood is coming from (upper or lower). With hematochezia, the blood is bright red and looks fresh, meaning it came from the lower digestive tract close to the colon or the anus. A few causes of hematochezia are: parvovirus, dietary sensitivities, internal injury, or parasites (hookworms, roundworms, etc.). In each of the above cases, you should visit your veterinarian if you notice the blood is still present in the stool after a day. With melena, the stool will appear black like tar, meaning that the blood is old and has gone through the digestive tract, therefore originating from the upper digestive tract. Some potential causes of melena are: use of pain medications, post-surgery complications, ingestion of blood, trauma, intestinal blockages, tumors, and bacterial infections. Again, if you notice this symptom for longer than one day, it is best to seek your veterinarian's advice immediately. What I have stated above are just a few possibilities and are not diagnostic by any means, for each individual situation is different.

Here is a great website for more in-depth information and images regarding bloody stool identification:

https://pethelpful.com/dogs/Causes-of-blood-in-a-dogs-stool (https://pethelpful.com/dogs/Causes-of...)

answered a question Why does my dog cough when excited?

When a dog becomes excited, he breathes harder and quicker, which can irritate his respiratory system and thus cause him to cough. If you're noticing that he does it constantly or that the frequency increases, I would schedule an appointment with your vet. Oftentimes, a cough is a sign of a mild respiratory infection or something lodged in the pet's throat. If your dog has recently been in a kennel, at a dog park, or anywhere where many dogs are present, he could have Kennel cough, which is the most common cause of coughing in dogs. While the initial symptom may only be coughing, you will soon notice that your dog is becoming more tired/lethargic, has a fever, and has a clear nasal discharge. If the problem is more long-term and unaccompanied by other symptoms, you will still want to check with your veterinarian to rule out a bacterial infection in the lungs, nasal passages, or throat.

answered a question Why does my dog act like she is starving?

While it may seem to you that she is just being greedy, a dog that is showing excessive hunger for a prolonged period of time should always be seen by a veterinarian. It sounds like your dog may have indigestion issues, hyperthyroidism, or potentially even diabetes. All three of these conditions could cause your furry friend to not feel full and, therefore, to continue to beg for food. However, this list is NOT extensive and will depend on your individual situation, which is why it is so important to schedule an appointment with a veterinarian. When you visit your vet, they will likely ask the following questions:

What is your feeding routine? Do you feed her wet food, dry food, or both? What brand of food is she eating? How much are you feeding her? How many times per day?

How long has this behavior been going on for? Have you noticed any changes or patterns?s

Have you noticed any other changes in behavior that coincide with this increase in appetite?

The sooner you get to the vet, the sooner you will have your question answered and be able to help your canine!

answered a question Why does my dog smell so bad after going outside?

Although dogs don't sweat in the way we do, they do occasionally sweat lightly from their follicles. Each dog's perspiration has a different scent, even if it just smells BAD to us, and that helps them to mark their territory as well. Another source of a bad smell on your dog could be his anal glands. Originally used to mark territory, the anal glands are located on the inner side of the anus and sometimes they can become filled and even inflamed. If you're noticing a smell that doesn't go away after your dog has been inside for a few minutes, consider having his glands checked. This smell is different from the "wet dog" smell and is rather strong.

answered a question Why does my dog bite me when playing?

Most dogs bite while playing because that's how dogs often play with one another. While your dog thinks it's all in good fun, it may pose an annoyance or cause pain for you. The best thing you can do is to train your dog not to bite. When he nips you during play, immediately freeze and try yelping (like another dog would do if injured). Do NOT jerk your hand away, for your dog will think you are still playing. Instead, if he has locked onto your hand, gently push your hand further into his mouth and he should unlock his jaw and you can slowly remove your hand. Once you have done this, you can also try putting him in a "time out" in another room or trying turning your back and ignoring him. The key to each of these strategies is timeliness. You want your dog to learn the effect of his actions, so be sure to correct his behavior immediately after it happens!

answered a question Can I give my dog tylenol for pain?

No! Tylenol and other OTC pain medications are specifically formulated for humans and can be harmful to dogs or other pets. Your best bet is to call your vet and discuss your options; he will most likely be able to prescribe a dog-friendly painkiller for your pup.

answered a question Why is my dog constantly licking?

There's a variety of reasons why your dog might be licking. Is it a specific area, such as his paws or another body part? If so, do a thorough check of the area to make sure there aren't any cuts or injuries. Many dogs will lick their paws if they're dirty, so be sure to clean them whenever you come in from a walk if that's the case. Oftentimes, a dog that is licking is either stressed, afraid, or simply bored. If you think your dog is stressed or scared, work on identifying the cause and removing it. If you think that your dog is bored, try giving him a rawhide or rawhide alternative. Just be sure that the bone is larger than the width of your dog's mouth and that he only chews it under your supervision.

answered a question What should I bathe a puppy with?

A puppy should be bathed with a shampoo specifically formulated for puppies. Most puppy shampoos contain either oatmeal or chamomile to keep their skin conditioned and smooth. They also are usually "tearless" formulas, just like baby shampoos.