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answered a question Can I use regular shampoo on my dog?

I myself have never used human shampoo on any of my dogs. From what I have read and been told that human shampoo has a much higher acidic ph than dog shampoo which can effect their skin. It can be drying, irritating, and also have perfumes in them that are no good for your dog. It is best to use a shampoo that is designed especially for dogs... Of course in a pinch when you are out of dog shampoo It would not hurt, but not to use for the long run..

answered a question Why does my dog cower?

There can be several reasons why dogs cower when approached or touched. Many people thing it is automatically that they have been abused which is not always the cause.. Sad to say that this can be a reason from past abuse, but other reasons can cause this behavior.. 1. A dog that are frightened or aggressive can show this sign. 2. Basic temperament of this breed can also be a reason. Certain breeds are just more shy or nervous and show anxiety than other breeds. 3. Lack of socialization as puppies can cause this. 4. Separation anxiety can also bring about this cowering sign. Moderation and counter conditioning can help to make your dog a little more at ease as time goes by, but it does take some perseverance on your part. Hope this helps

answered a question Why do my dogs ears smell?

It could very well be they have a ear infection. Signs beside smell could be scratching their ear, shaking of their head, off balance, redness, brown, yellow or bloody discharge from ear. If you suspect something is wrong of course always consult your veterinarian.... Hope this helps you and your dog...