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answered a question Why does my dog get diarrhea?

Take your pup to the vet! He could have a number of issues. If he is still a puppy and not fully vaccinated, Parvo virus could be a likely suspect. Although if older, there could be a bug in the digestive system or disease causing the diarrhea. No matter what, make an appointment with your vet.

answered a question Can I give my dog benadryl for itching?

Benedryl is typically safe for use in dogs, but consult with a veterinarian for dosage and frequency specific to your pup.

answered a question Why does my dog itch so much if he has no fleas?

Your dog may have some sort of allergy. This allergy can be to environment, food, or even the laundry detergent you use! Speak with your veterinarian about treating for allergy or changing their diet to a hypoallergenic brand.

answered a question Why does my dog sit under my chair?

Dogs often like to be in a den-like setting while still being near their human. Your pup may consider under the chair his "den." Or he may be waiting for a few crumbs to fall. Service dogs are trained to sit under the table or under the chair of the human that they service to they are easy available to assist.

answered a question Why does my dog pee every 5 minutes?

Frequent and inappropriate urination are are signs of a Urinary Tract Infection, or quite possible bladder stones. Make an appointment with your veterinarian to have a urinalysis done.

answered a question Why does my dog chew everything?

Some dogs may be bored and want to chew something to keep them busy. Some may have a sore mouth and the pressure of chewing helps them. Others may have anxiety and chewing things of yours helps calm that anxiety. Dogs can't speak with us so they use methods such as destroying your favorite pair of shoes, to communicate their stress to us.

answered a question Can I get my dog sick?

Dogs and humans do not share the same communicable diseases, so don't worry, you can't get Rover sick!

answered a question When will my dogs stop trying to mate?

Every dog is different. Just being spayed or neutered doesn't always nip the desire to mate. Testosterone and estrogen (or reproductive hormones) can stay in the system for weeks or even months. The act of mounting isn't always a reproductive trait and may take some strict training to rid that habit.

answered a question Why does my dog shake in the car?

Your dog may not enjoy car rides like we do. Speak to a veterinarian about pheromone or medical options to help calm your pup on long car rides.

answered a question How much exercise does my dog need?

The amount of exercise depends on the dog. Almost every pup will require a but of exercise, but some have enough energy to go for days. If your dog begins panting heavily and unable to calm themselves quickly, it is time for a rest.

answered a question Why is my dog limping?

Limping could be from almost anything. Check her pads for anything stuck in them, but definitely schedule an appointment to see a vet. They will be able to diagnose with Radiographs and also prescribe pain medications to keep her comfortable.

answered a question Why does my dog howl in his sleep?

Your pup is just having a good dream!!!

answered a question What do I do if my dog is losing weight?

Sudden, unexplained weight loss can be a sign of serious illness. A visit to a vet is highly recommended.