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answered a question Why does my dog shiver?

Like people, dogs shiver from cold or strong emotions (excitement, anxiety, etc). Some breeds are more prone to shivering than others.

answered a question How do I discipline a Frenchie, if she already feels guilty?

Dogs can not feel guilt the way humans can. Your dog isn't displaying that body language because she is guilty, she is displaying it because either she is used to a prior owner coming home and "disciplining" her, she's picking up on your body language and knows you are angry and it is stressful for her,or she has inferred that when a person looks at or picks up an item she's chewed, it's followed by a negative interaction.

When you're around her, you can guide her away from chewing behaviors by gently interrupting her and redirecting her to a toy. When you're unable to supervise, she should be in a closed crate or a puppy proof area, with nothing she is able to chew up.

If you notice after the fact that she's chewed something while you were gone, there is no way you can discipline her. She will not associate the discipline with her previous actions.

answered a question How long should I walk my dog?

It depends on the dog's breed, age, energy level, health, etc. Your dog should easily settle down in the house, and not appear to have pent up energy. Some dogs are fine with a short walk each day, others need an hour + of vigorous exercise daily.

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answered a question How do you reject strangers who want to handle your dog?

I say "he's shy", "he's not comfortable with strangers", or "we're training right now"

answered a question Why does my dog hide his bone?

It's instinctual, for dogs and many other species, to hide their food so they can come back to it later in case they are unable to access food at a later time.

answered a question Why does my dog scratch the floor?

This can be a symptom of OCD or anxiety, it can also be a sign or boredom or being under-exercised. It's best to interrupt this behavior immediately, but if the dog is not easily distracted or is showing other signs of stress such as obsessively chewing or barking, you should consult a trainer or ask your vet for advice.

answered a question anyone know someone great who can handle a difficult 15 lb shih tzu on Long Island?

Are you looking for someone to help with his behavior? Or a sitter? is my training page, I also do sitting and walking on a case by case basis

answered a question How do you pick the right brush for your dog?

The type of brush used will depend on the type of coat they have. You can research the best brush for your dog's breed or coat type, or ask a professional groomer what they recommend. If your dog is uncomfortable with the type of brush you need to use, you can desensitize them to grooming by going slowly and creating positive associations with the brush.

answered a question Does anyone have experience with 'doggy prozac'?

There are a number of different psychiatric medications used in dogs to help with anxiety, as well as depression, OCD, and other severe behavior issues. These medications are usually prescribed along with behavior modification, and are prescribed by a veterinary behaviorist. They can be very helpful with dogs that are so anxious they have difficulty being receptive to training.

answered a question Why does my dog bark at night?

They can hear more noises, it's harder for them to determine what is making the noises, and some guardian breeds are naturally more on edge at night. Some things that can help this are a white noise machine or playing classical music, and sticking to a routine at night, as well as making sure the dog gets enough exercise and stimulation during the day.

answered a question How do I keep dogs from digging holes in my yard?

Designate an area for your dog to dig! It can be a sandbox or other specific area of the yard (use garden edging so your dog can distinguish it from the rest of the yard). Bury some toys and treats out there, encourage your dog to dig there, and redirect him if you see him try to dig elsewhere.

If you constantly supervise for a short period of time and regularly interrupt your dog's digging and bring him to the proper area, he will automatically start to prefer to dig in the new area.

Digging is an instinctual behavior and is difficult to stop all together, so it is much easier to teach the dog to dig only in a certain place.

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