Lisa R.'s profile

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answered a question Can I leave my dog in the car?

Definitely not. Too many hazards.

answered a question What's the best dog shampoo for dry itchy skin?

This is definitely a loaded question. Make sure allergies are ruled out as well as fleas. Supplemental fat in the diet can be helpful as well as a shampoo with oatmeal & lavender.

answered a question In the winter the tips of my dog's ears get scabby. Is there anything I can do to treat them?

I would also recommend adding some fat to the diet during the winter to combat dryness - a little oil on their dry food, a supplement, or wet food mixed in. If you bathe more than once a month, be sure to use a good moisturizing conditioner.

answered a question Is it okay to remove your dog's eye gunk with your fingers?

Wipes or damp towel are best, as they said, but in a pinch your clean fingers will work... watch out if you've got longer nails and be sure there are no open wounds (hangnails, etc) to transfer fluids.