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answered a question Why is my dog so tired?

Depending on the age of your dog, if it is getting older that may be the reason. If it is a younger dog, it may be bored and need more exercise. It would be a good idea to let your vet know any changes in the activity level of your dog either young or old.

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answered a question What can I feed my dog?

It is best to feed your dog a top quality dog food.

commented answer Why does my dog yawn so much?

Your dog may yawn because it is bored.

commented answer Why does my dog scoot on her bottom?

Your dog could have worms or their anal glands are impacted. You should take your dog to the vet.

commented answer How can I identify signs of Bloat?

The stomach will be noticeably bigger. Also, they will be lethargic, have trouble breathing and may drool. You need to take your dog to the vet ASAP as bloat can be deadly.

commented answer Can I catch a cold from my dog?

Yes you can and when you are ill its best to keep your face away from your pets.

commented question Can I leave my dog in the car?

The best advice, especially when its hot outside, never leave your dog in a car unattended.

commented question How to cut to the quick on dark-nailed dogs?

Use the pads of their feet as a guide to how short the nails should be. The nails should not extend past the end of the pads. Cut just a small amount at a time.

commented answer Why does my dog roll in the grass?

they like something they smell on the grass