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answered a question How can I help my dog lose weight?

Your dog needs to be put on a restricted diet. You may need to change the amount and type of food your dog eats. Also introducing some light excersise into your dog's life can do wonders.

commented question How can I tell if my dog has worms?

Your dog will be excessively itching and possibly dragging it's butt across the floor. The best way to tell if your dog has worms is to take him/her to the veterinarian.

answered a question Why does my dog howl at sirens?

Loud sounds often startle pets who are not used to hearing them. Similar to thunderstorms or fireworks loud sirens often evoke some kind of reaction. Howling is a common reaction and it generally suggests that they're frightened or just excited.

answered a question How much dry food should I feed my dog?

It depends on the size of your dog and the nature of its lifestyle. Online, there are charts you can find which help decide the standard amount of dry food per pound.