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answered a question Why does my dog have a dry nose?

Dogs with dry noses are usually dehydrated. Get them into some shade and give them water. Make sure they don't drink the water too fast because this could cause them to vomit and get even more dehydrated. It could also mean that they are over heated, especially with large, dark-colored, and thick-Coated dogs. Shade and water are your pets best friend which a dry nose. They could also have some sort of an allergy that would cause a dry nose.

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answered a question Why does my dog have bad gas?

Try a more organic based dog food. I find the best way to feed my dogs is to make up the food myself. It's a little more time consuming but you will notice a difference in their coat and energy. Google canine journal and home made dog food recipes. That have different recipes and their benefits and what daily percentage of each type of food your dog need to be their best! Hope this helps :)

answered a question Why does my dog like to sleep with me?

Dog run in packs and you are their pack leader. They trust you more than anything on this earth. Your dog wanting to sleep next to you is a good sign of trust, loyalty, and protectiveness. You should take it as a compliment! Your dog only wants what is best for you :)

answered a question Why does my dog hump other dogs?

Dogs hump to set a sense of dominance over the other dog. They also hump instinctually. If you spayed or neutered your dogs the humping will stop, for the most part.

answered a question Why does my dog dig in his bed?

Dogs do this to fluff their bed. Just like us humans fluff our pillows and blankets, they like to get their bed all fluffy and comfy, ready for some snuggles :)

commented question Why does my dog dig in his bed?

Dogs do this to fluff their bed. Just like us humans fluff our pillows and blankets, they like to get their bed all fluffy and comfy, ready for some snuggles :)

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commented question Why does my dog get hiccups a lot?

Hiccups are a spasm of the diaphram. Dogs get hiccups when they are excited, eat too fast, stressed or anxious. It is very common in dogs