Elaine D.'s profile

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answered a question Can I put baby powder on my dog?

I like to rub a couple of handfuls of dry oat flour or coconut flour to the longest, fluffiest part of the coat, wait a couple minutes, then towel it off or brush it out a little if they will let me. Oat flour can sooth itching, if that is part of the problem.

answered a question Why does my dog eat kleenex?

My dog likes the taste of -- well, snot & buggers!! I switched to cloth hankies about a month after I got her, and now she leaves the trash can alone and digs through my laundry basket instead. Sometimes I'll come home to see several strewn about the house, or she will be holding one between her paws & licking it clean. I'm not too worried about it anymore, now that she is not eating all that paper. I've never seen any cloth bits in the yard.