Stefanie C.'s profile

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received badge  Enthusiast
commented question What's the best dog shampoo for dry itchy skin?

Oatmeal shampoos

commented question Can I use human shampoo on my dog?

Yeah you can

commented question Why does my dog have a dry nose?

Dehydration is most common

commented question Why does my dog sleep on her back?

Dogs only sleep on their back when they're comfortable. It's a great sign the dog 100% trusts you to expose his tummy while sleeping.

commented question Why does my dog have eye boogers?

Just like us they get eye boogers waking up. If it's excessive it's possible it's an infection.

commented question How can I stop my dog from barking at the neighbor's dog?

Try switching rooms when this happens and distracting the dog. He's barking to guard you and warn the other dog.

commented question Why does my dog eat birds?

They're descendants of wolves, dead or alive it's prey.

commented question Why does my dog eat a lot of grass?

Dogs eat grass to help digestion.

received badge  Commentator
commented question Why does my dog hump other dogs?

Dogs hump as play and were never told otherwise.

commented question food agression?

Dogs usually do this when really hungry to defend their food from being taken away. This could be because another, bigger, dog took his food in the past or because a human starved him.

commented question How can I tell if my dog is in pain?

Whimpering is a common sign. Others include limping, not eating, growling/aggression, excessive licking of an area, and visual wound.

commented question Why does my dog bite his nails?

He is showing signs of an allergy OR he's got poorly groomed claws. They're itchy.

commented question Why wont my dog eat?

Not eating can be a sign of not feeling well. As long as the dog is still drinking water he's not in any danger.

commented question Why does my dog get a red rocket?

Dogs get "red rocket" when they're excited or just really pleasurably relaxed.

commented question Why does my dog cry when I leave?

Dogs get seperation anxiety. They will cry when left alone and sometimes get destructive.

commented question Can I claim my dog on my taxes?

Your personal dog can not be claimed, however if you raise guide dogs or foster for a charity you can claim them.

commented question Why does my dog lick her feet?

Animals (in this case dogs) lick as a comfort mechinism or as a submissive response.

commented question Why does my dog drool around other dogs?

Dogs usually drool more when they're excited.