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commented question Why is my dog pooping blood?

There are multiple things that blood in their stool could be. In puppies or un-vaccinated dogs, it could be parvo-which is life threatening. In adult or fully vaccinated dogs it's generally a Gi upset of some type. If the dog is prone to eating things it shouldn't, it could be a sign of a blockage

commented question How often should I bathe my dachshund?

Dachshunds have a short coat. So, this means that their skin can become dried out rather easily. I would recommend using an oatmeal shampoo, and bathing every 2 weeks or so. But, make sure to watch out for their skin drying out.

answered a question Why does my dog's breath smell like dead fish?

Dental care for your pet is just as important as our oral health is to us. And, it doesn't matter how many dental treats or chews you give. If you don't brush their teeth you'll never remove all the bacteria etc. unfortunately, by the time you notice a smell it could be an indication of an infected tooth. Your vet most likely offers dental cleanings, so I would definitely check with them.

answered a question How often should I bathe my boxer?

Boxers can tend to have sensitive skin. So, bathing about every 3 weeks is good. I would suggest using an oatmeal shampoo, it doesn't dry the skin out as bad as others. If your boxer has irritated skin, I would talk to your vet about a medicated shampoo.

answered a question How can I tell if my dog is in pain?

Vocalizing, and panting are huge signs of pain or discomfort. Not eating, not wanting to do much are also signs of discomfort