Katia K.'s profile

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asked a question When you have multiple stays with the same dog, do they stop listening to you?

I've noticed that the more stays I have with the same dog, the less they listen to me. It's like the first time they're on their best behavior and then after that they don't seem to care anymore. Have any of you experienced this and is there any way to solve this problem?

received badge  Teacher (source)
answered a question what can I give my dog to calm him down when flying for the first time?

Definitely ask your vet.

answered a question Recovery for a dog tooth being pulled?

I would ask your vet rather than strangers on the internet...

answered a question Any suggestions on how to stop puppy mouthing and play biting?

I've found that a very effective method for any types of unwanted behavior is using a spray bottle of water. The dog will learn to understand very quickly exactly what it is that you don't want him doing.

answered a question What are resources to figure out what is the best dog for me?

I've found that dog sitting for Rover is the best way for me to meet all of the different breeds. It's also a great way to see exactly how much time and commitment owning a dog will take.

answered a question What is the best durable dog toy?

Elk, moose, and deer antlers are great. They're a little expensive but last a very long time.

answered a question Does anyone really brush their dog's teeth?

Brushing your dog's teeth is something every pet owner should do. It helps avoid costly dental issues down the road. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

answered a question How to stop dogs from peeing in one area of the house?

Using an enzymatic cleaner will help break down the smell in pee that makes dogs want to pee in that same spot. Nature's Miracle is the brand that I use and it helps stop most peeing.