Holly & John K.'s profile

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answered a question How long do you isolate your pets with Kennel cough for?

In my area there is a new vaccine for cough from dogs drinking mosquito infected water. We have had a ton of rain and there is a lot of standing water. So I am very cautions to make sure none of my dogs drink or lick any water outside.

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commented answer why dog gets bar soap and rolls in it?

Much better than my Beagle who prefers any kind of poop! Twice in one week she has managed to find some goose poop by the pond to roll in! They like to cover their own scents! I wish mine would roll in soap, I would jump for joy!

commented answer Tips on house training a newly adopted adult dog?

Also when they go outside speak to them and praise them! I have done this with my own dogs and have not had any issues. I always say..good girl, go pee outside! sounds silly but dogs are smart and when I say, lets go outside they know what I am referring to! You can reward them with treats or love :

commented answer Tips on house training a newly adopted adult dog?

I actually just had 2 "crate" dogs that have been rescued and now they're not! Had same issues. My advise is 2 fold, routine and patience. I trained them within a week and both are doing great! I have a set schedule for feedings and outings. the more the better-set examples :) do things together!

commented answer How do I handle a large dog that lays down during walks?

This one loves to play fetch, so I threw a frisbee onto the deck and he was after it, gotta be starter than the average bear lol

commented answer How do I handle a large dog that lays down during walks?

I finally got him to not be afraid of the stairs by the second day and he still hesitates a bit but he is large enough that he can jump up them. Look around, there may be something that he is afraid of, you can never tell. It could be a trash can or hanging flowers. opposite route?

commented answer How do I handle a large dog that lays down during walks?

I had the exact same situation with a German Shepard and I finally figured out that he was scared of "stairs" even though the stairs on my back deck where we enter the house are very wide and long. He would not go back in the house after going out! He did the same thing, sat down!

commented answer What is the stubbornest breed of dogs?

Agreed! love big dogs! But the smaller ones always seem to have "issues, drama, or attitude" haha! It's so great to see all their personalities!

commented answer Are laser pointer for dogs bad?

My kids had one & thought it was funny to tease my Jack Russell with it Well jacks are OCD anyway! I had to put a stop to it quickly! He just whined all the time wanting to chase that stupid light! I completely agree they are bad! Now if he sees any reflection from like a watch or ring he goes wild!

answered a question If my labrador is curled up like a cat, does that mean he's cold?

I've sat several large labs and they do sleep or lay in this position occasionally. Both my dogs do too & they are Jack Russell & Jack/beagle mix dogs. I have noticed it's kind of a monkey see monkey do thing! I have very large pillows for the big dogs & they will try & get into the smallest pillows I have lol like they are trying to fit in with the little guys! They displayed this behavior in August when it was warm in our house so I'm sure they were not cold! They were very comfortable with us because my husband had to pick them up & put them into the car, they did not want to go home? kinda embarrassing !

commented answer What are the best ways to get your Jack Russell Terrier to stop barking?

Gotta love Jacks? I've had several! My little Duke has super hearing too! Once he gets started it is hard to get him stopped! I clap my hands! If a door bell on tv rings! He goes bonkers! I have to yell....TV TV lol my other dog is a beagle/Jack mix so she has the beagle howel?

answered a question What causes coughing except kennel cough and heart disease?

My dog is overweight & actually has a fat deposit in his throat area! When he moves a certain way it causes his throat trachea to collapse causing him to cough! We found this out after spending over $3000 in veteran test & 2 opinions! Total heart, lung body work up on our dog! They said...he is fat! So he is on a diet now, cough is less frequent & getting better! He also suffers from allergies so cough gets worse during those seasonal times! They are just like children ?

answered a question What are some at-home remedies for dogs with mild separation anxiety?

I use music as a tool to help relax & relieve anxiety. Try pandora's "Zen" or "Liqid Mind" channels! This will put any wild beast to sleep or at least calm them down! I've used it for over a year now! Great for thunderstorm fright too! Also might try those "thunder shirts" my beagle/Jack Russell has responded positively to usage of one! It's like getting a hug or snuggle!

commented answer Is it OK to bathe with my dog?

Human & dog skin is very different. Sharing baths is taboo! It's as bad for your pet as it is for you. Humans carry bugs just like pets do & cross contimation is always a bad thing! Keep you & your pet healthy by separate bathing!

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