
How to handle an owner who probably lied about dog's age?

We are watching a young dog who started out being wonderful. Honestly, she is still a sweetheart but she has caused a host of problems. And we suspect the owner lied about her age to avoid paying puppy rate.

I won't get too into the various issues she's caused because I think a lot of them come from being a young dog left at a stranger's house for the first time. But, she has had an excessive amount of accidents despite numerous long walks and access to our patio. Her owner says she uses the patio at home for the bathroom so its not a new concept. We were warned she may have the occasional accident because it is a new place, but this is not occasional it is constant.

This, plus her behavior and appearance, lead me to believe she is younger than a year old. My sister who is a vet tech says that just going by her teeth, she believes she's well under a year. I know we should've realized at the meet and greet that she was younger, but we've had plenty of younger dogs act very hyper and crazy on the meet and greet only to calm down once they adjust. She has not calmed down. She has endless energy and constantly needs attention and supervision. Exactly how my dogs were when they were maybe 7-8 months.

My puppy rate is only $3 more than my regular rate so I'm not sure why there was a need to lie. And honestly, maybe the owner thinks she's older, although she said she's had her since she was 10 weeks old.

Basically, this dog has ended up being much more work than what we are getting paid for and if we knew she was so young, we probably would not have accepted her at this time. I work from home on Mondays and my job is demanding but I've had to miss the entire day of work, which will mean working through the night after she gets picked up and not sleeping. My boyfriend is leaving work early to come home and help me take care of her, so he is missing some work as well.

I know there isn't much I can do besides just not booking in the future, but I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas for how to broach these issues with the owner, or if we even should. I appreciate any advice!!

2 Answers

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Karen already said what I was going to say. At the meet and greet I tell the owners that I will need a copy of their vaccination records to ensure everyone is healthy and up to date. Their age is also listed on the document that way they can't lie to you.


Definitely an unfortunate situation and not a great deal you can do about it now except confine the dog to a space in which clean-up is easier. A crate or a bathroom with tile floor would be ideal so long as you clear out anything the dog could get into or harm herself. You also might want to try diapers. A smaller space also has the benefit of the dog not wanting to be in that area.

It is hard to say whether the owner lied since the difference is only $3/day. You may want to increase the differential since puppies tend to be far more work. But the main thing, which you already acknowledge, is that dogs can have problems in new surroundings. They may not understand that your backyard area is the same as hers at home.

For the future, you may want to request vet records (not only for vaccinations, but it also should show the dog's age on it). Many vet offices will gladly do a printout or owners can often print them out from home these days. At least you will have documentation. Good luck!


These are all good tips, thanks! We used to ask for vet records but got lax as time went on. We will definitely go back to that now. And I increased my puppy rate - I wasn't sure what was acceptable to ask for but you are right, they are a lot more work. Thanks again!