
I just booked a stay and put in my payment information, can I cancel?

I paid and booked for a stay just now, can I cancel?

2 Answers

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You should call Rover Support at [Edit: Rover’s contact options have changed. Visit the Rover Help Center at to find the phone number, help articles, or chat with the team]. Depending on when the stay was scheduled to start, you may be able to receive a full refund. All refund amounts are determined by the sitter's listed policy, as described here:


You can determine what the sitter's cancellation policy is by going to their profile. It should be listed on the right under their calendar. Once you determine if their policy is Flexible, Moderate, or Strict, you can look it up on the link that Karen posted. You can also talk directly to the sitter about cancelling and ask if you can get your money back.


I think what you meant in the last sentence was you can ask the sitter to make an exception and authorize Rover to refund money.