
Tips on housetraining a puppy?

I have a brand new GSD Puppy, he already knows how to pee/poo on the puppy pads, but when he goes outside he doesn't do anything, he waits to come back inside to use the potty.

Any advice or tips I can use to get him off the potty pads and to go outside?

4 Answers

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For my dogs, we started by taking the pads outside with us. That way they got used to physically going outside. Then slowly we removed the pads. Rewarding them when they go outside is really important but equally as important is to just wait outside until they go. But I would definitely start with taking the pads outside.


I would definitely use treats and praise when your puppy does go outside. Moving the puppy pads like Morgan suggested would be a good idea too. I typically don't use puppy pads when potty training for this specific reason. I would also start using a command such as "potty" when taking the dog outside to use the restroom. This will help the dog understand what you want later on and could even help you to train them to go in a certain area of the yard. Then of course rewarding the dog when it does go. It is important to take the treats outside with you or offer praise as soon as the dog is finished, not waiting until you get back inside. This directly connects the treats and praise with going potty outside. Good luck!


Timing is everything with housebreaking. Take the puppy out about 20 minutes after he eats or drinks ANYthing (even a few slurps of water). Stay outside for at least 15 minutes if he doesn't go right away. If he really doesn't go, take him back inside and take him out every 10-20 minutes or so until he goes. Consistency is essential - go to the same spot to potty every time so his old scent triggers him to go again. Don't get discouraged - remember that our pups are inside 95% of the time, so they only have a small window of time to get it right. The more they're outside, the better. Then when they go, do your best happy dance and give lots of praise and treats just like everyone else said. Best of luck!


I would kennel the dog an document every thing. When they drank when you went out side when they peed when they peed in the kennel. Dog should be in kennel over night. And any time you leave.