
Are any of you guys members of your local Chamber of Commerce?

I have multiple friends that own their own small businesses (some are MLM, some are just "mom and pop shops"). A few of them are members of their local Chamber and said that it has really been beneficial to their business. Are any of you sitters members? Is it against Rover to become a member? I'm just leery to pay the $350 membership fee without any feedback from people in the same industry.

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Great question! I also looked into it in my area (Mesa, AZ) and wanted to do it but the membership cost stopped me. It is something that I would like to do in the future. I would also like to know if other sitters are members in their areas.


You would never make the amount back. There are a lot of other ways to be known in your community. Be active and be out and about and do things and tell people what your job is and give them a card and ask for the business. Either them or a friend. Go for walks and talk to other dog walkers about their dog.