
Anyone else have strange vote downs?

Has anyone else had issues with their answers being voted down? I just noticed two of my responses were voted down twice. On one of the posts, another responder was also voted down twice. I reread my answers and I think they contributed, and I certainly don't think they were worth down votes. I want to make sure that I'm providing good answers and I'm not sure if these two answers were worthy of multiple down votes. Is this a pervasive experience for people? Are there voting guidelines that should be stationary in the forums to encourage appropriate up and down voting? Am I missing something horribly offensive about my posts? I can see where one might have led to a misunderstanding, but otherwise I don't see anything wrong with them.

Here are the two posts:

1 Answer

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The up and down voting just serves as a way for the community to track what answers they find particularly helpful and which they find might be detrimental. One or two down votes aren't unusual if you're commenting a lot. If the overall response to your posts is positive, I wouldn't worry about it.

I'm not sure about the cat question, as I don't see how your advice could be harmful to the situation. In the dog bite case, I'd hazard it's because of the Cesar Millan reference. He has some really good advice at times, such as focusing on adequate exercise and establishing clear and consistent rules, but his focus on dominance theory (which has been long since discredited) makes him a poor example for those with limited knowledge on dog behavior, body language, and learning. He purposefully puts dogs into very stressful situations which significantly increases the chance of a bite (and causes the dogs completely unnecessary stress). Essentially, there's a reason his shows all begin with a "don't try this at home" disclaimer.