
Training collars via apps?

We have a bark collar for our dog and she is very responsive. She is very well behaved until we leave the house and then she's all over the furniture which we do not like. Are there dog training collars that can administer the beeps, vibrations, and shock if needed via phone app? I've seen many apps that let you interact with the collar, but none that beep, vibrate, or shock through the app.


yesterday my dog was trying to escape from my house and it was very difficult to find him. Is there anything in the market that help me to locate my pet easily

hey, someone suggested FOUND ME Necklaces for my dogs. Have you ever heard about their website? please suggest if anyone is friendly with their services. Here is the link to the website

2 Answers

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I firmly believe the best training is Positive Reinforcement dog training. The best results will be achieved with owner participation in person (&later at home to reinforce lessons) with trainer that who works with a small dog group or one-on-one. If that cannot be done, the next best solution may be to look up positive dog trainers on you tube and focus on mastering 1 skill per week, through short sessions (5-15 minutes multiple times daily).

For a dog who is aggressive, you really need to nip that in the bud, using every resource that you possibly can. If your dog injures another being (animal or human) it may result in the end of life for your pet.


Thank you for saying all of that. I agree with you completely.


I am also searching for that type which help me to train my new Dog. He is quite aggressive and I want to train him better. any suggestion?


Personally, I would enlist the help of a qualified trainer (in person or on YouTube videos) instead of a phone app. I need that one-on-one personal assistance. Phone apps don't do anything for me when it comes to training.