
How can I keep my dog from escaping??

Hello, I have a Husky problem. My husky is constantly trying to find ways to escape our house and run around the neighborhood. Recently when we were not home She bent a metal cage and managed to open our door and ran to our neighbors house and ate all of her guinea pigs she had outside.Now our neighbor is threatening that if she sees our dog one more time she will shoot it.She also called animal control and they told us that at any point she could press charges. At this point we have tried everything we could to keep her from running off. She is strong,like unreasonably strong. We had bought an outside large metal kennel and she also bent that up. She also managed to squeeze out of a tiny window that we wouldn't think is possible for her to get out of, she even knows how to unlock and open doors.We sadly even spent lots of money on electric fence but she doesn't even react or seem to care, and we even tested it on ourselves to make sure it works and it's strong.My daughter would be devastated if we gave her away, but I don't think there is any other solutions unless there is something I haven't tried. Would love to have any feedback


Don't leave dogs alone out there for long periods of time or any time

1 Answer

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There are a large number of tragic consequences (besides your neighbor) which would befall your husky who has the severe drive to be outside. It sounds like you have done so much to keep her in.

On the contrary, I would suggest that you (or dog walker) tire the Husky out and have it expel all it’s energy on long, brisk walks multiple times daily, so when it’s home, it’s content from the supervised exploration activities and sleeps. A common expression is a tired dog is a well-behaved dog.