
How do u start getting clients?

I am posted on facebook and Craigslist. How do I start getting clients.?

3 Answers

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Posting to facebook, business cards, and word of mouth helped me. I also joined right around Thanksgiving when a lot of people were looking for sitters.


I created a Facebook page, encourage my friends to share and like. Some of my friends use us to host their pups and support our business. I have gotten quite a bit of interest through Rover. I utilize Craigslist and eBay too. I have a twitter account and try to interact there. I also have business cards that I pass out, give to friends that pass along, leave at local spots ex) gas station, bagel shop. I have magnets on my car and leave business cards tucked inside the edge as well. It is OK to promote yourself.


Sandi, how do you advertise your business using eBay? That is a new one for me. I thought you could only advertise products on eBay, not services.

eBay has a classified section where you are able to post services, like ours. Good luck!

Oh wow! Who'd a thought! Thank you!

you are very welcome.


Make sure to know your beginning goal. If you just are doing this for some extra money VS. wanting to turn this into a career. From there, you can better determine realistic ways to spread the word. Telling people through social media helps, flyers on bulletins in your community, business cards, and also make sure to do whatever you can to boost your search rating for future clients. Do this by keeping your calendar updated, taking the Rover Sitter quiz, setting rates to the average amount in your area etc. The best way to spread the word on any new business is word of mouth so try to get the word out!