
How can an owner help their dog who is a rescue overcome abandonment issues and get used to a dog walker?

Hi I have client who has a dog that is a rescue. The dog is often fearful that the owner is going to leave and often looks back to make sure the owner is still there when I take him on walks. The owner says he often mopes under the couch after walks. What advice would you give the owner about how to help the dog with his anxiety issue?


Perhaps have the owner join you for a first walk? Or have the owner leave a shirt that smells like them with the dog helps with anxiety

That'll take work by the owner. A trainer is always best for them to ask. They need to tire the dog out and then work on behavioral training so the dog learns they will come back. Reward calm behavior, not anxious behavior. Rescues often think they will be abandoned again and it can be frustrating

2 Answers

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A behavioral specialist would be the best person to help over come the dogs issues.

This is something that is going to take time and patience is going to be the key.

Something that has worked for me in the past: If the owner is able to walk with the two of you. Owner should be the one who is first holding the leash then as you all are walking, the owner passes the leash over to you without making a big production over it. (You don't want the dog to really notice) Once the owner passes the leash over to you, you then want the owner slowly fade away as you continue to walk with the dog. (does not work with all dogs, but I have had success overtime. )

Best of Luck!


Definitely take the owner on walks with the dog walker several times. Our dog used to only want to walk if my wife or I were going with him. He would stop and wait for us if just the kids took him. If we walked a block and then snuck away while he wasn't watching, he would run back home as soon as he realized it, pulling the kids behind him. We walked several times with him and the kids (never mattered who was holding the leash), and eventually he got to where he let the kids walk him without us.