
Has anyone here tried the Coyote Rollers?

Under Rover's Sitting Resources where they're talking about preventing escapes, is the statement, "consider purchasing Coyote Rollers, spinning cylinders that keep a dog from getting over a fence".

This is the first time I've heard of such a thing & since I have a long fence & this will likely be pretty expensive, I would want to know how hard it is to install, how well it works, etc.

Has anybody here tried this?

2 Answers

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Coyote rollers are really awesome. A lot of people use "home-made rollers" too. I don't know anyone with dogs who would have them, but I know quite a few (quite wealthy) people who use them because they have wolfdogs.


I've been a Rover sitter for 3 years and never heard any other sitter mention using them, and yes they are expensive.


Thanks for your response. I looked up the company that sells them & watched the video. They certainly do work but only a wealthy person could afford to have it installed! Most of the dogs I sit are too small to go over a fence but we do have coyotes in this area which makes me very uneasy.