
Different price for puppies for Rover Now walks?

This isn't a question. More of a discussion. I recently started doing Rover Now walks and one client had a puppy and she personally requested me to walk her puppy again. I know puppies are more difficult to walk but but this one was so strong! And the leash the owner had was a rope like leash. I couldn't get a good hold of the leash and he would pull so hard while walking that I would have to let go sometimes so I wouldn't get rope burn. I did talk to the owner and she said it's fine for me to bring my own leash when I walk him. I just feel that the price for puppy walks should be different because not only was the leash the problem but he tried to get out of his harness and I have to constantly stop him from eating things off of the ground.

What do yall think?

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It is really disappointing that Rover hasn't provided a lot of details on how the Rover Now program works or doesn't work. I am of the understanding that after the initial Now bookings the client can send you a booking request without using the Now program if she does that your puppy rate for walks should kick in??


And her puppy rate is less than for an adult dog. Take a look.

Well I forgot that my puppy rate was cheaper so thats a mess up on my part but what I meant was for Rover Now.