
A mid daytime visit is an extra charge on top of an overnight stay, true?

An overnight stay does not include a mid daytime visit, correct?

3 Answers

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For me an overnight visit includes 24 hours worth of care, and I will give them an extra hour or two before I charge more. So if it's within the 24 hors I don't charge extra for anything.


This is how I run my business. My fee of $45 includes 24 hours of care and minor housekeeping duties such as mail, lights, plants, etc. I stay at the client home the majority of the time unless they live really close by my home, so I"m not have to travel extra.


First off, there is no such service as "overnight." Rover customers select house sitting from among the services offered on the site. Rover also defines house sitting as the sitter staying in the customer's home and providing up to 24 hours of care for every billed night of boarding. It doesn't mean you aren't free to come and go, let's say, to walk other dogs or do drop-ins. But it means that you spend the majority of your time in the customer's home. House sitting should always be considered a premium service because you are not only taking care of pets but providing an additional level of security for the homeowner. The fact that you uproot yourself and live in someone else's home should be adequately compensated.

However, you are free to provide any variation as you wish. Just be sure that the client understands what you are providing. It helps to put it in writing in your profile and via messaging so that no one misunderstands. If you decide to charge extra for a mid-day visit, then you should outline what hours you will be in the house and there may be additional charges. IMO, for your location, your house sitting rate ($45) probably should include the full 24 hours of pet care. When people only charge $20 days, I would only expect them to be there from 8pm to 8am.


Some charge for a mid-day visit during a home sitting booking, but many don't charge yet include a mid-day drop in. As an independent contractor, you determine if you want to charge or not, but house sitting is a 24-hour event