
Recovery for a dog tooth being pulled?

My dog is getting his tooth pulled in a month and I'm wondering if anyone else's dogs have had teeth pulled, and what the recovery is like? Do I need to get anything special for him?

3 Answers

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My Dane mutt had to have one extracted, not long ago. The aftercare isn't too difficult. You will be given pain medication for your dog & most likely will be told to fast your dog for the remainder of the day. We added a canned food to a very small amount of kibble, increasing the kibble amount each day for about 5 days, just to keep him comfortable. After a week, you should take your pup back in to see your vet to have the extraction site examined.


Generally they will just have you hold food for a bit due to both anethesia and the pulled tooth. When you do feed, they may have you feed a little less than usual and add water to his food for the first few feedings to make the food soft and easier to chew. Nothing too major to my knowledge!


I would ask your vet rather than strangers on the internet...