
Why does my dog have a lump from his rabies shot?

My dog got his rabies vaccine two weeks ago, and a week ago I noticed a lump between his shoulder blades. I took him to the vet to get it looked at and they said it was from the vaccine, and that it should be gone in a month, but at the most three months. Does anyone know what causes this? It feels like a fatty tumor, but is it just swelling around the injection site?

2 Answers

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Im surprised that's where the injection site was. There is usually an understanding that all the vaccines go in different muscle areas so that other vets can determine if it was from that vaccine or not. Also while the fluids that get injected are SQ, they aren't usually enough to create a large bubble. 100ccs of fluid will do that. If you are really worried it never hurts to have a second opinion. In human cases, there are some vaccines that will cause a fluid filled sac. personal experience with one They do go away in time.


Some vaccines are slow-release and take time to be absorbed by the body, especially in small dogs.