
Do I need to let the owner inside my home for boarding?

It's my first time doing a boarding and I'm really not sure how comfortable I am letting a stranger inside my home. Do I need to let the owner in my home? I'm confident that its fine for the dogs and I would be willing to show pictures of the spaces the dogs would be in, but I feel that I wouldn't feel right letting the owner into the house. How do I tell the owner this while still being polite? or is the owner seeing the house really a must?

4 Answers

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A customer has every right to see where their dog is staying. You don't have to let let them inspect every room, but show them the general layout of where their dog will be. There are NO pics of your home in your profile either.

If you don't let them inside, they'll think the worst and probably will choose another, more forthcoming and hospitable sitter. Even kennels allow customers to view the facilities.

I invite all potential clients over to my house for a Meet & Greet before accepting a job. This is not only so that our dogs can meet and see if they get along, but also it gives owners the opportunity to see where their pup will stay. We talk about the dog and the owner's needs/expectations and get all questions answered. The M&G is a highly recommended first step in the Rover process. Didn't you have a M&G with the customer? If you didn't, then you are inviting problems, especially since you do own a dog of your own.


I think that you are right. I have added photos to my profile of all the general areas the dog will be allowed in the home. I didn't do a meet and greet this time because I didn't realize the necessity of it and time was limited, but it is a mistake I won't make again. Thank you for your help!


Every booking I've had in my home, I allow the owners to walk through the first floor with me and show them the backyard. I think of it as, I would not want my dog left somewhere I couldn't see, in person, what it was like, so why should I expect them too. I'm very awkward and uncomfortable having people in my home but I try to be polite and friendly.


I do not require meet and greets, but everyone gets to see my house (except for my bedroom and study room). I give them a tour and show them my yard. It would be really awkward to tell people they can't come in.


Ive never had anyone ask to see the inside of my house or even the back of it. I live with my girlfriend and her disabled mom so i wouldnt be allowed to let anyone in the house anyway.. i usually do facetimes so owners know there dog is in a clean safe space, since its not my home i wouldnt be comfortable allowing it and since her mom does have some health issues she doesnt allow people inside


It was 2018 when this question was asked and most answers were provided. A lot of expectations on how business is done have changed due to Covid. It’s unknown if expectations will change again in the distant future.