
Anyone else having calendar availability issues?

It seems that even when I mark my calendar as unavailable, or if I book my maximum # of dogs thus making me unavailable, that I still show up in search results for those dates. I'm getting tons of requests for dates that I can't do, and it makes me feel bad having to turn down so many customers simply because Rover isn't actually keeping my calendar in mind.

Is anyone else having this problem? I assume that it's on Rover's end and I'm NOT supposed to show up when I'm unavailable. Is it also a possibility that people just find me and put in dates without checking my availability? I don't really know how it works.

2 Answers

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Have you put unavailable on both "sitting in the sitter's home" and "sitting in my home" options? If you only put it under one, it will show you are available for the other...


Hey Nicole, if you're seeing issues please give support a call--they are the best to assist with this.