
When should I neuter my puppy?

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2 Answers

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I would say as soon as your vet allows, especially if your puppy is a female. If she's in heat, she can't go to dog parks, or interact with other dogs. She could be in pain, uncomfortable, and bleed. If there is no need for her to go through this experience, and for you to have to deal with it, I don't see the point in delaying. My dogs were all neutered at six months and they recovered well and are very healthy. (2 girls 1 boy)


Most vets recommend between 6-9 months. However there is a lot of controversy over this, some say 1 year, some say after their first heat cycle. I have found that male dogs should be neutered within the 6-9 month time to prevent/ reduce their marking tendencies and aggression toward other dogs. For female dogs, I have heard that spaying between the 6-9 month mark would also be good to greatly reduce/ prevent serious health problems.