
How can I get my dog to stop eating poop?

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I he/she eats his/her own poop, it might be to hide it from you. That means that when it happened in the past, you might have overreacted, so the pet is now scared of you finding it. You should be very aware of your pet's potty schedule in the first place, so that everything happens outside. -->

If instead they do it outside, it might be because they're attracted to the smell. Try to monitor them closely, don't let them off the leash. It's normal for them to smell feces, but always be ready to pull them away from it, gently, so that they never get a chance to do it and get out of the habit.

4 Answers

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Dogs eat poo for many reasons, human poo or horse poo or cat just tastes good to them, I know, its gross. In my experience, it has little to do with dietary issues and more about taste. The pineapple does work but what works best is to make sure you pick up poo has they drop them and supervise on the walks.


Depends on when it started happening. If it's been happening all their life it's probably a habit that was a learned behavior from their mother (if they are eating their own poop). If it's suddenly started happening it's a sign of malnutrition, enzyme imbalances... especially if they are on a heavy

dry food diet.


I ran across this tip when my pregnant girl started eating poop, some strange pregnant craving. I knew it was only our other two dogs going in our yard so when I read that feeding a dog some pineapple would curb the muncher and it worked!! The acid in the fruit does something that makes it displeasing to the eater. They actually make this fancy new spray that's suppose to work as well.


It's actually relatively normal behavior for a mother dog to eat poop. When she was doing it as pregnant she may have just started doing it early. Not a nice behavior for sure XD Pineapple is a good idea one I might file away. Do you know how much to feed? I worry about too much


In my opinion if your dog is no longer a puppy Coprophagia is not normal (though sometimes with cat poop dogs can't resist it). I find it usually has to do with dietary issues. Often the diet you are feeding them is lacking in some sort of important nutrient for that specific individual.


I've worked with thousands of dogs who do or don't eat poop. Seems to follow breeds like dacshund, pugs, frenchies, etc. To a dog, poop tastes like cookies do to us. Your vet can give you a supplement that will help.


Getting a dog to stop eating poop can be a challenge especially for young pups. To avoid this make sure you are picking up any poop seen in your yard and supervise them on walks. Eating feces of another dog can lead to worms that can be passed on to other animals and even humans.