
Why does my dog lick the inside of other dogs ears?

My dog is persistent almost obsessive about licking the inside of my parents dogs ears. He licks their ears like it is his job to clean them. Does anyone know why he does this?


My dog does this to other family dogs EXCESSIVELY! Have you figured out how to make them stop? I’m searching for ideas.

2 Answers

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I have seen a dog that does this too! It could be a few things, some dogs like the taste of it- gross I know! or some do it in an affectionate manner. I've also heard that it could mean that the other dog may have something wrong with their ears (like an infection). If nothing is medically going on with the ears your parents' dog, it could be an obsessive issue like you mentioned and you could try to deter him from licking them. Hope this helps!


Thank You for your answer! It's good to know my sweet Percy isn't the only weirdo out there. There isn't anything wrong with moms dogs ears and Percy has started doing the same thing to my cousins dog! So the cycle continues because Ruby (cousin's dog) has started doing it back to him!


My dog did this when the other had ear mites