
How to teach an adult dog the beg command?

Hello i can't seem to find a way to teach her to beg. When i hold the treat in front of her nose she doesnt even try to lift her head up to take it, she just looks down and a hit to the side. Im pretty sure she likes the treat, because she does other commands very good and enthusiastic.

It's a almost 3 year old golden retriever.

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Oh, I wish my dog "wouldn't" beg for a treat. He teaches the other dogs how to beg and they gang up on me! LOL! You would be better off teaching your dog to: Sit, Down (lay down), Off (no jumping or off the furniture), roll over, play dead, etc. Some dogs just don't care much for treats or are very picky about treats. If your dog is calm and great with children and adults, she would be awesome to be trained as a therapy dog and taken to hospitals to cheer up children and adults before and after treatments and surgery.